Low Sex Drive [Empress Roberta (OC)/Emperor Velo XXVII]

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It was the middle of the night, and Empress Roberta awakened and quickly sat up due to just having a nightmare. She glanced at her husband; he was still asleep and was snoring loudly, as he always did. She then looked at the large clock that hung on the wall on the opposite side of the room. Damn. It was only two in the morning, and Roberta found that she had trouble going back to sleep.

All of a sudden, a warm sensation hit her like a stack of bricks. She knew what this feeling was but wanted to deny it, ignore it. But her mind was plagued with dirty thoughts, thoughts of her riding Emperor Velo, thoughts of her sucking him off while he stroked her hair, thoughts of him on top of her while pounding her mercilessly. God, how she wanted all those things to happen so badly. The only question was, should she wake Velo up or just play with herself? No, she wanted him. She needed him.

Roberta lightly tapped Velo on the chest, but that wasn't enough to wake him up. She felt like an idiot; she had forgotten that Velo was a heavy sleeper. Almost nothing could wake him up--except being shaken violently, that was. Roberta did just that, much to the chagrin of Velo.

"What the hell did you wake me up for?" he growled.

"Velo, I have a little...problem," Roberta said in response, sitting on her knees and squeezing her legs together to hint at what it was that she wanted.

Velo glanced at the clock on the other side of the room. "It's two in the fucking morning. Go back to sleep."

"That's just it. I've been having trouble. I...I had a nightmare and it frightened me."

"And the first thing you wanted to do was have sex?"

Roberta began to blush. "Well...yes. I'm not sure what made me this horny, but--"

"Go back to sleep, Roberta!"

Roberta pouted as her husband turned back on his side, almost immediately falling back asleep. She lied back down and tried to do the same. It wasn't until about an hour later that she was finally able to sleep once again.

Hours later--it was six in the morning--Roberta woke up to see that her husband was no longer in the bed. She slipped out of her pajamas, put her everyday clothes on, and went to the coliseum, assuming that was where Velo went. Sure enough, the emperor was sitting in his throne as usual. Roberta sat in her own, which was to the left of Velo's. Princess Beatrix and Princess Lily sat in their own thrones as well, and they were both to the right of their father's.

Roberta bit her bottom lip, but it went unnoticed. She was still horny as hell. All she wanted was for Velo to fuck her, and for him to do so as hard as he could. Just the thought alone was enough to get her worked up, as she began panting heavily. Her face also became redder than it already was.

After a few minutes, Velo finally noticed her actions. "What is it now?" he grumbled.

Roberta was a little taken aback. What was Velo's problem? Had she insulted him in some way?

"N-Nothing," she said. A horrible lie, really. "Don't worry about it."

"I'm not worried," said Velo. "I was just wondering. Everything's not about you, you know."

Roberta wanted to cry. Velo was cruel, sure, but he had never been that rude to her. She was tempted to stand up and retreat to their bed chambers, but she did not move. She didn't even want to think. Why was Velo acting like this? In the past, he was always wanting to pleasure her. He always wanted to make out with her or smack her ass when they were in private. Now it seemed that that was nothing more than a distant memory. She feared she would just have to play with herself later.

No, it couldn't be later. It had to be now! She wanted to cum so badly, it was eating away at her mind.

"I'll...be back," Roberta said, trying to hide the nervousness in her voice.

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