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A victory is worth celebrating, that's exactly what they were gonna do.

They reserved a table at a club for the night, which was a 30 minute drive from the stadium.

Jude, Gio, Mats and Marco were all going together, with Marco as the driver and Mats occupying the seat next to him.

Both Jude and Gio wanted to drive, but the other two didn't trust them with a vehicle.

Jude hoped  Erling would come with them, but given their current relationship, that was unlikely to happen.

He ended up going by himself.

"Don't drink too much while you're there." Reus said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"And never trust extremely attractive women with your drink." Hummels added with no elaboration.

"Well yes, but why attractive women specifically?" After a long pause, Jude asked.

Hummels let out a long sigh and didn't answer.

"Come to think of it.." Gio though out loud.

"Can Jude and I drink?"

Hummels turned to face him and looked him dead in the eyes.

"We're not in America, cowboy." He said, poorly imitating a southern accent.

"This is Deutschland!!! Legal drinking age 16." Hummels said, progressively losing his accent as he kept talking.

"Point taken." Gio rolled his eyes.

"Don't you guys drive on the left side of the road?" Gio fired back, a smirk spreading across his face.

Hummels glared at him, prompting Jude to burst out in laughter.

Gio lightly bonked him on the head, now Hummels gave him an even meaner look.

"I'm not talking to you anymore." Hummels slowly turned around to face the road.

After a few minutes, Hummels forgot about what he said and kept talking to Gio, Reus and Bellingham.

They reached their destination, parked their car a few blocks away and covered the license plate.

They covered their faces and entered through the back door, entering their private room.

A good portion of the team arrived before them.

Bellingham immediately scanned the room for Haaland, he was sitting on a couch with Burki and Dahoud.

While Bellingham was closely observing Haaland, Hummels kicked the door open, carrying several packets of beer.

The presence of beer affected the atmosphere.

Just as Bellingham was about to turn to face Gio, he saw him rapidly switching channels on the TV, looking for something.

That something was probably a football match.

Reinier still angered by the red card he received, immediately cut to the chase and started giving out beer.

"Take this, you deserve it." He said, shoving the can in Bellingham's hand.

Before he could say anything, Reinier was already at the next person.

Bellingham made his way through the crowded room and planted himself next to Giovanni.

Giovanni didn't even notice Bellingham. He was so focused on some match on the TV.

The commentator was speaking in Korean, and there was another commentator dubbing over the Korean in German, so whenever Gio heard a word he could recognize he nodded his head, with a serious look on his face.

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