the break up

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So Breanna and d-mack and cash and Sarah and Lisa hose to Tijuana without Arnez but d-macks sister Michelle was with him "where is everybody" Michelle said" I don't know why would they leave me and you" Arnez said "don't know" Michelle said they look at each other " so do you want to go see this band with me " Arnez said "what band" Michelle ask "the phonics night" Arnez said "REALLY I LOVE THAT BAND"Michelle said"ME TOO" let's leave a note" the note says we left to see are favorite band love Arnez they left

Time skip ( don't you love a good time skip)
They get back"there still not here yet" Arnez said " look the left a note" Michelle said" we went to Tijuana" "they went to Tijuana without us" Arnez said " that don't matter we can do something else like draw you a tattoo" ok let's do it" they Drew him a tattoo and ended up getting tired so they got a blanket went to sleep

The next day they get the everyone stop laughing when they see Michelle and Arnez sleep together  with Arnez half naked d-mack wake them up" get y'all black ass up" heyyy" Michelle says" since you sleeping half naked with another girl  Michelle if you want him you can you have him" Arnez goes after her" see look what you did"I didn't mean-"just leave  Michelle" she leaves

With Breanna and Arnez "leave me b Arnez I'm breaking up with you" well honestly idc I was feeling Michelle anyways ok go be with her

One sided love (d-mack x Breanna)Where stories live. Discover now