s i x t e e n

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One last gag before I wipe my mouth off with my fingers, dragging them across my lips.

"This is disgusting." I groan, standing up from the dirty floor and heading to the sinks.

I turn on the cold water, putting my hands under then bringing them up to my face, trying to wash the past few hours off of it.

When I look into the reflection, I don't see myself. I see a girl, who's been through enough. A girl who's tired. Tired of fighting. Tired of living.

I do not see Courtney in these stranger's eyes.

Steve and Robin's vomiting noises cease and I look down from the mirror. I grab a paper towel and wipe my face then my hands.

I walk back into the stall, flush the toilet, and then I resume my sitting on the disgusting bathroom floor.

"The ceiling stopped spinning for me. Is it still
spinning for you guys?" Robin speaks.

I sigh and look up, "No."

"Holy shit. No." Steve responds. "You think we puked it all up?"

"Maybe. Ask me something.". Robin answers then switches to a Russian accent, "Interrogate me."

I hear slight movement in the stall next to me, "Okay. Interrogate you. Sure."

I slide under the stall and when Steve sees me, he moves to the other side of the stall, leaving room for me to sit.

"Uhm...when was the last time you peed your pants?" He asks Robin.

"Today." She responds and I let out a small chuckle. I don't remember the last time I peed my pants.

"What?" Steve asks for elaboration.

"When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw." She says and Steve and I burst out laughing.

"Oh, my god."

"It was just a little bit, though." She defends in a cute voice, like she's talking to a baby.

"Yeah, it's definitely still in her system." He says and looks at me. I nod in response.

She giggles from the next stall over.

Steve groans as he touches the side of his head, like he has a hangover.

I don't blame him, I feel one too. It's expected with the drugs they gave us.

"Okay, my turn." Robin says excitedly.

"Okay, hit me." Steve responds.

I sit and listen. I don't know if I could answer questions right now.

"Have you...ever been in love?" Robin asks.

This is a personal question compared to the one Steve asked her.

He takes a moment to answer. He looks at me before he says, "Yep, Nancy Wheeler. First semester, senior year."

I smile at him cause Nancy told me about them. He doesn't smile back. I assume it may be a touchy topic for him, knowing what went down.

He imitates a gun shot and Robin says, "Oh, my god."

"No offense Courtney, I know she's your cousin, but she's such a priss!"  She exclaims.

I don't take offense. I have no idea who Nancy was before I came here. No idea what she was like.

"Hm. Turns out, not really." Steve states.

Robin scoffs, "Are you still in love with Nancy?"

Steve takes another moment, "No."

"Why not?"

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