Chapter Thirteen The Point, Find it

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Dedicated to MajenBeos02bethansarahBabyalex34carmeapple
May 12, 2019, 8:05 pm, Diana's POV

    'If my Pack is anything, we are resilient. Looking at them right now, you would have never guessed this afternoon descended to hell and back.' Nilo is tickling Peace who is releasing high-pitched giggles and making his bio Dad grin confusedly. 'It is almost as if the sound is unfamiliar to Nilo, because he keeps reaching down to tickle Peace some more. Eager to hear it again.'

    "Stop it, Dad. I'm going to pee." Peace gasps and Nilo surrounds him in a big hug and rocks him back and forth. 'Awwe.' Nilo smiles, and a flash of Nilo's canines appear, before he smiles with his mouth closed, and kisses Peace on the head. Aurora is sitting on Achille's lap trying to touch his razor-sharp canines. Zeus sends Achille a warning look. But Achille shakes his head to the unspoken warning, covers his teeth with his upper lip, and nubs at her fingers. This makes Aurora pout. Amore chuckles swinging Aurora up and blowing air directly on her belly. It makes a loud sound and she bursts into laughter. 'Resilient or rather unfazed.'

    "Here Aisha," Mino says and hands Aisha a snack tray, she blushes crimson still nestled between Rio and Cello. Mino either doesn't see her blush or pretends not to as he hands her tea and salty scratch-made snacks. 'Mino having two people to spoil is great for me. He has kept my three main meals and six random snacks going, but now he is trying to feed Aisha. I know Drago's resentment of Aisha's fertility was more than just about the attention Aisha is now getting. But I do not know if Drago is the type to enjoy being waited on hand and foot. I look over at her and she is in what can only be called a 'time-out' between Antonio and Massimo. Their gazes are always half on her, and she is regularly given head pats and purred at. She has tried to escape twice, and each time Massimo looked like he truly did not know why she wished to. This 'time-out' is not an extension of her punishment. In our Alpha's flawed brain, they think she acted out for attention. Well, she is getting lots of it now, therefore fixed.' I smirk and laugh when Alex shakes his head to make his twists shake and eagerly shows Giovanni who smiles at him.

    "Diana, you look sleepy," Jules says, stepping in front of my view of the room. I shrug feeling my back protest when I go to get up. Aver appears on Jules' side and they both help me up, 'I want to say, 'I've got it', but truthfully I don't. If they do not help I have to use a rocking motion to get off the sofas and a straight drop to get on them. I am not so 'independent' that I would risk falling onto the floor.'

    "I am sleepy. From a person coming from a warzone, you don't," I say and Jules blushes. Aver agrees with me and opens his mouth to talk, but before he can, Lemon comes toward me, his head tilted in confusion.

    "Lemon what is-" I say, but Lemon keeps coming and reaches forward to touch my chest, and I jump. Aver hisses at him, but Jules's mouth drops open. I reach up to grab Lemon's hand.

    "Boy,-." Vico snaps but then trails off and instead of getting mad he starts chuckling and comes over from his place next to Basilio, Moonie, and Dante. I look down to see what he is looking at, is it on my slippers? I lift my foot and move it forward so that my belly no longer blocks my vision. 'There is nothing there.' Vico comes over making my Gammas move back.

    "Your shirt is wet," Lemon says and I shuffle in place making my tender nipples brush against the indeed wet shirt.

    "Pet, you are leaking milk," Vico says and points to my chest. I look down again, but this time at my chest, and then I see it. 'Dr. Kasia said I would leak a sustainable amount because of the five. I began thinking she fibbed but looks like she was right on the money.'

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