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Bangchan pov

Every muscle in my body screamed for me to lie down and scream in agony as I swirled the ladle around in the pot.

Lying on the floor for a couple of hours may not have been my smartest decision but do I regret anything?

Hell nahh.

To my surprise Felix too as he waltz around the apartment with a grin on his face.

Apparently Felix's 6th sense picked up on my stares.

Stopping in his tracks he gave me the absolute most adorable pout.

God is this the end of me? ( ⑉¯ །། ¯⑉ )

"Why so happy Lix?"
"I just had the best dream ever..."

"...you died"

Why do they ask me to follow my heart when it's in a million pieces because of this buffon?

"Wat? did ya seriously think i'm fahkin' happy cause i love ya?? pffft- ya wish" he shot me his signature dagger eyes.

Who knew "dagger eyes" wasn't just a figure of speech coz I've just felt a stab in my heart.

"hahaha no? are you crazy of course I don't?? why would I love you like that?! you're totally not my type "

It may just be a figment of my imagination but a hurt look flashed across his face for a split second.

But it was soon replaced by that familiar sheet of ice.

"Good to know you aren't completely off the edge yet" he said curtly before sashaying away.

*sigh* perhaps it came out sharper than I intended..

However I wasn't given much room for thought  as the blabbering from the bathroom signified the start of a loong day.

A few fairly frustrating moments later....

"Ugh! get back here or I'll stuff the uneaten veges up your ass!!" Felix's goofy insults never fail to impress.

"I'll eat it once you get your poo in a group Walmart face!" Ouch. kids will be kids I guess.

Succumbing to that ugly word called defeat he dived towards the couch and laid there as motionless as a log.

He's not the only one who caved as I too moved towards the couch to finally pet his floofy head.

Growling at me like a sulky dog he swatted my hand away.

" pretty sure I'm not the one who belongs in a zoo" He said as he scooted away from me, his back still faces towards me.

"Don't get too sulky my cotton-headed ninny muggins, I love you " As much as it perfectly describes him remind me to never say that again.

He grufly moves to the furthest end of the couch as if I've done a no.3 on the couch.


That's when an idea struck me.

"Oh honey~" I cooed affectionately into his ear just for extra effect.


"We are going on a date tonight!" I trust that the kids had taken the hint, well they better do.

It may just be wishful thinking but a ghost of a smile appeared on his lips.


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