Hello and welcome back to this story, this chapter going to be a bit of character building as i will explain what Y/N actually is. So i hope you enjoy this chapter.
As i suddenly felt myself waking up i notice myself being picked up by the shoulders by Ahri and Akali as i was slightly dragged towards the elevator as i tried to move my body again. Getting no reaction.
Y/N: Overshot by a lot this time ey Y/N.
I thought to myself as i open my eyes fully now as i begin to come back to my senses in the elevator as i heard the girls talking as i regained some of my strength as i was still being held by my shoulders as i put my own feet down slowly standing on my own again leaning against the elevator door.
Jinx: Look who decided to wake up.
I see Jinx looking at me with a smile.
Ahri: Welcome back to the land of the living.
As i see Ahri giggle at me as i felt a smile creep onto my own face.
Y/N: I'm sorry, might have outdone myself a bit this time.
Evelynn: It would seem that way yes, what even where those moves you pulled back there.
As i just smile trying to regain some more strength as i now stand upright looking at her before answering.
Y/N: Some old trick i stil had up my sleeve, i havent shown you guys everything yet.
Evelynn: What more could there be.
Y/N: Quite a bit more then you can think of.
As i just chuckle a bit getting a surprised look from Evelynn as i look at her as Akali spoke up.
Akali: Your scales changed again, the pure white along with the halo seems like a pretty clear indicator but, are you by any chance some angelic creature?
As i just let out a weak chuckle.
Y/N: Not entirely, How about i tell you this when we all have a drink.
I said as i heard the elevator ping as the doors opened as i walk out slightly stumbling but catching myself, straightening myself upwards before walking of to the kitchen, grabbing some scotch as i see the rest grabbing a regular beer as we all walked into the living room as i sat down in a chair.
Y/N: So where would you like me to begin?
Kai'sa: How about telling us what you actually are.
As i got a slight smile on my face as i took a swig from my drink before speaking up.
Y/N: As you might have heard from Aatrox i myself was a ascended from birth. Now that was already rare as usually the only people to choose the path of ascension are a lot older as the chances of survival at such a young age were very low and ascension was already rare in this day and age. And the second part was the being i ascended to. All ascended are pure being, or at least they used to be, look at Aatrox, all i know from the old stories is that his empire fell and they had fought with each other, losing their purity before being sealed away in their weapon.
As i took a quick look around looking at the girls interested in my story.
Y/N: But back to me, i ascended into a angel from birth, and not a low class one either. I was seen as a prophecy as a child, while that turned a lot of attention to me it was not always for the better. In my younger years i had a meeting with another creature, as you might have assumed, that creature was a dragon. It was hurt and weakened with no way to go. Now me of course being a child i tried to help this creature as best i could for weeks upon end. But dragons are tricky to care for as the creature died. But not without thanking me for my care. In some twist of fate the creature offered his strength to me and i don't exactly know what happened after that. One moment i was awake and the next i stood up in front of a mirror back home. The halo i had as a young child being replaced by small horns as the feathered wings i had had been replaced with jet black one that started to form eyes as i grew up.
As i look up at the girls being rather shocked.
Ahri: But wait, so that means you have two beings inside of you.
As i think about the question formulating a respons in my head.
Y/N: Something among those lines yes. Now the dragon i had cared for had appeared to be a rather strong one. One that would be called a elder. As the dragon seemed to have had some demonic properties, Of course those clashed in my childhood. A demon and a angel cant live together unless both provided for.
Evelynn: But then how are you sitting here right now.
Y/N: I did wat i do best. I tried my best and kept going. Trough age came wisdom about my powers, although the people seemed to be afraid of the dragon they were not fearful of the angel. As time went on these properties started to match more and more. The angelic weighing against the demonic you could say.
Kai'sa: So balance was created?
As i shot her a smile.
Y/N: Spot on. As i grew up i started to get more and more control over my powers as i now had the ability to turn the demonic dragon into a more pure creature with some help of the angel. in the form of my mantel. A normal dragon, people weren't afraid of what they didn't know laid underneath and it made the hiding of my true powers a bit easier, even though i faced the problem of the dragons side becoming stronger in my childhood after i was captured by the organisation i have now taken down.
As i took a quick sip from my drink before continuing with my story
Y/N: Which resulted in the corruption of the angel as it became slightly weaker when it comes to being summoned in comparison to the dragon, resulting in the fact that when i truly get mad, the dragon always wins unless i can retake some control over my emotion. Problem being that with extreme emotions the powers seem to clash all the same whether the dragon is stronger or not. As rage always lets out the draconic side more often then the angelic side. resulting in the black scales and the the fire you could see being created. But if i do manage to get control back i can get them to coexist in battle, resulting in a mixed form of light and darkness.
Ahri: The one with the black and the white scales?
Y/N: That one yes. Although i have some basic control over what powers i want to use, i can choose if i want the dragon or the angel to come out most of the time, resulting in the other forms you saw. Although as said it gets hard when emotions get involved, i have control over both of them, but in moments of battle they may still clash as i might be thrown from rage to deadly calm. Resulting in a mix mash between powers which sometimes may be helpful but sometimes not as they could send me flying over the edge in rage.
As i took another swig from my drink as i look at them all slightly amazed.
Evelynn: So basically you have two polar opposites that somehow coexist within you. And while you do have a basic amount of control emotions make it a hell of a lot harder.
Y/N: That's the basics yes.
As i see Akali now smiling at me as i was ready to be bombarder with questions again but the others spoke up first.
Ahri: But does that mean the forms we saw were all your forms.
Y/N: Most likely not even close, although these are the most basic one's it has been a while since i used it so i already had a hard time controlling them again.
Seraphine: Although i must admit the dragon part looks way more scary i couldn't sense a large increase in emotions above your already high rage at the moment of the fight, i mean no bloodlust clouding your vision, you seem like your in control for the most part.