I'm telling you, she's mine!-29

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Yo, Enjoyy(;


Chapter 29

*Becca's P.O.V*

(Carries on from the end of chapter 27)

I got a taxi from the hospital to Alexis place.

At the end of the taxi journey, I paid my fair and walked into Alexis' house. I knew she wouldn't mind, since she knew I was coming over.

"Hey, guys!" I shouted as I walked through the door.

"Hey," Laura shouted back.

I walked into the living room where Laura and Alexis were waiting for me.

Alexis said "Hey, you!"

I replied with "Helloo!"

"Anyway, on to the real reason why we're all here. What's going on, Bex?" Laura asked.

"Um...As you both know I'm pregnant and I'm having twins."

Laura already knew she wasn't as shocked a she normally would be for big news like this. But Alexis surprised me.

"Oh my gosh! Congrats, Becca!" and she hugged me, not too tight though.

"Um... Thank you! But don't get too excited, there's more news."

"Okay. What's the other news?" Laura questioned.

"Well... Me and Dan and my mum had a bit of an argument and I was pissed off. So I stormed out of the house and ran to the bus stop to go to school and get away from it all. As I was running I tripped and Dan didn't quite catch me in time and I fell on the floor and now one of the twins is going to be disabled."

Laura and Alexis' faces were shocked. They were speechless which is unusual because those two normally have something to say.

They froze for a couple of minutes and I got bored of waiting for them to finally say something so I said "Hello? Guys? Any of you gonna say anything?"

"Oh sorry," Laura answered. "Were obviously really shocked. I'm sorry, Bex. Don't worry, we're here to help out and stuff."

"Yeah, we're here to help if times get tough, or if you need anything."

"Thanks guys. You're the best!"

And we leaned in to form a giant group hug.

*Dan's P.O.V*

I drove home from town thinking through my head in what I was going to tell Becca about where I was last night. I didn't want to lie to her, that would break our trust, don't wanna risk that.

How about 'Hey, Becca. I stayed over a mates house last night. We went clubbing and stuff. I'm sorry about the baby, I just needed time to accept it. Forgive me?'. Nah, too girly. I'm a guy, I can't be that emotional. Or what about 'Look, Bex. I'm sorry about yesterday. I was just shocked that's all. I'm really sorry, I hope you can forgive me. And if you're wondering where I was last night, I went clubbing with a mate and then we crashed out at his' Yeah. Let's go with that one.

As I was driving home I kept thinking through what I was going to say and whether it sounded good or not. I remembered what I was going to say and as I parked the car in the garage I went through it one last time and opened the door.

To my surprise, I was greeted by my mum and Becca.

"Oh my gosh, Dan! You came home!" my mum greeted me with a big hug.

"Hi to you too mum," I said with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. "I was only gone for like a night, you know."

"I know you were but I was so worried because you weren't answering my calls or Becca's texts."


"Hey, Dan," Becca whispered at me.

"Hey, honey. Look, Bex. I'm sorry about yesterday. I was just shocked that's all. I'm really sorry. I hope you can forgive me. And if you're wondering where I was last night, I went clubbing with a mate and then we crashed out at his. Nothing else happened. I swear!" Oh no, I panicked. I practically just dropped myself in it. Now she's probably going to get suspicious that something has gone on that I'm not telling her.

"Okay, okay! I forgive you. All that matters is that your safe and you're at home. And I trust you, and I trust that you wouldn't do anything with someone else."

"Thanks. I love you."

"Love you too. Now go grab a shower, stinky. You still stink of booze and it's making me feel sick." and she pushed me out of the room and up the stairs to have a wash.

"Come join me?" I joked.


"Please? Pretty please?"

"No. You stink!"

"Please? Plus, you owe me a shower from a few days ago! And I'll wash first and then you can come in?"

"Okay, fine."

I leaned in to kiss her, knowing full well that she was going to push me away and reject me.

"Ew, no. No kissing until your ass is clean!"

I stripped and quickly washed my body down in the shower and shouted for Becca to join me. She joined my in the shower and we had a quick make out session. I felt the sparks between us again. It was so much better than kissing that slut of a redhead. As I was kissing Becca I felt guilty because just 24 hours ago I had some girl I didn't even know kissing these same lips as she was. Guilt was rushing all throughout my body and I couldn't handle it. So I pushed Becca away and stepped of the shower. Quickly dried myself off and got dressed.

Becca quickly followed behind me, confused in why I'd left in such a sudden. She followed me to her room with a towel covering her body and said "Dan, what did I do?"

"No no. It's not you. It's me."

"Oh great. You're breaking up with me now, aren't you?"

"What?!" I then processed what I had said seconds earlier. The whole 'it's not you, it's me' break up thing. "Oh! Right, sorry. No I'm not breaking up with you. I just felt weird in the shower that's all."

"Oh thank god! I thought you were dumping me. Oh, okay. I'm gonna grab something to eat. Want anything?"

"No. Please, let me. I'll make your favourite, banana and peanut sandwiches. I'll grab something while I'm down there. Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

I was all panicky and jumpy because I'm starting to feel all guilty about what I've done. And when I'm guilty, I always seem to want to help other people. Like I'll offer to do things for them, to keep myself busy and not have to worry about the thing that's keeping my mind so active.

I ran downstairs, before I could say anything that could get me in trouble and made her sandwich and my toast.

I didn't see Becca before I left the house to go to school. I didn't even wait for her, I just left the house to go to school without her. I couldn't quite face her yet because I knew that she would come downstairs looking as stunning as ever.

*Becca's P.O.V*

Honestly, I don't know what's going on with Dan at the moment, and its worrying me. I don't like the way he's acting. Its suspiciously strange. I think he isn't telling me something.

He didn't even wait for me today, he just left without me. That's weird because he normally always waits for me. This isn't like Dan at all. I don't know what's going on but I'm determind to find out!


Okay, guys. So firstly I'm really sorry about the long wait for this chapter. And it's really bad anyway.

Secondly, I'm sorry that this is so short.

And thirdly, chapter 30 will be up soon.

Syanna x

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