Come on please stop! Ugh yet another truck passed me, and I was exhausted from walking, crying, screaming. I was tired from it all. I walked a little longer before I saw lights approaching me from behind. I quickly turned to see the lights of an 18-wheeler slowly approaching me.
Hey, you know it's dangerous to be walking on the side of the road right, the man said from the truck. I know! Get in, he said pointing to the door. I cautiously grabbed the handle and hoisted myself into the truck before closing the door. Thank you! You look a little young to be on this route, most of the girls on this route are way older. Most of the girls? You think you're the first one to hitchhike on this road, he said smiling a little. Are you a serial killer? Do I look like one? There is no set look for serial killers. If that's the case, are you one, he said looking at me. Really do I look like I have the capacity to do that? Not really, but you asked so I had too as well. Now that we got all of the pleasantries out the way, I am Jake, what are you doing out on this highway? It's a long story. We got time; the next big city isn't for another 2 hours. The next big city? Las Vegas, Nevada that's where you were going right. Yeah, exactly where I was going. I had no clue where I was going. All I know is that I had to get out of Texas and quick at that. It was one too many times of my father getting drunk and beating me and thinking that the one person that I could trust would take care of me. I was sadly mistaken when he took what little money, I had left me stranded in a roadside hotel in the middle of nowhere.
So, what's your name? Huh! Your name, what is it? Jade! Like the moon stone. Yeah, something like that I said nodding as he spoke. It was crazy I felt safer in his truck than I had the whole time I'd been gone. He told me about his daughter Cassandra and how her dream is to be the prima ballerina. He was working hard to make her dream come true, but it was still difficult being that he had to work and couldn't be at home all the time. Before I knew it the 2-hour drive was up, and he was pulling into a rest stop hotel. We're here? Yup we're here good ole Las Vegas he said cutting off the truck. Thank you again, I said gathering my stuff. It's no problem, as I told you, I am a father and I'd never want to see my daughter out here like this. Not everyone is as lucky to have you as a father. Once I was out the truck, I went to walk away but he called me back. Jade, why don't you let me get you a room so you can rest and get freshened up. You don't have to do that. It's ok I want to he said smiling motioning for me to follow him into the motel. I couldn't believe that he was actually getting me a room, before we parted ways, he gave me a few dollars to get something to eat and told me to take care of myself before we parted ways.
Once I got settled in, I finally decided to make the call that I was dreading and that was to call my mom. I didn't want to leave, I really didn't, but I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't take the treatment from a man that wasn't even my father. He was my stepfather, my mother married him 2 years to the day after my father left and moved to a different part of town with his secretary. I remembered growing up with my father and everything in my world seemed so perfect and then one day it was over. He was gone, and my mom decided to move to Lubbock for a new start at life. I don't know why she thought that was the best place to go for a new start, but she packed up me and my sisters and moved us out there. It wasn't that bad; I mean it was a small country town and at least we were able to have a little more freedom than back in Dallas. But it was also strange as well. The people out here were different.
Hello! Hello! Mom. Oh my god Jade where are you? I am ok mom. That's not what I asked you, where are you? How are the girls I said ignoring her question? They're ok they miss you. Jade please just...I couldn't take it any more mom. I know baby I am sorry. I am so sorry, please just come home. I can't, he'll just continue to do the same thing to me, and I won't have my sisters seeing that. He doesn't mean it. I am sure that's what he's telling you, but until he puts out a cigarette in your arm you won't know how I feel. So, this is my fault that he did all of that stuff to you? If I'd just stayed with your father, you'd be home right. Well, that's not how life works little girl, and your father isn't the man that you think he is either. I never said that mom, I said I couldn't take it, whatever works for you is fine. You're still a child Jade. I am 17, I can take care of myself. Are you in Dallas with your father? I'll talk to you later mom, I love you. Jade don't hang up! Bye mom I said before hanging up the phone. I know it seemed harsh that I hung up on her, but if I didn't, I'd cave and end up going back home suffering in silence. I know I am young, but I can handle myself and I will take care of myself.

Confessions of a Bunny
FanfictionAfter numerous failed attempts at starting a lucrative lasting business, Nicoli Cartier ends up in the last place he'd ever thought he'd settle down in, Las Vegas, America's City of Sin. With the influx of Casino's and the even bigger increase of il...