Winter was heading to class when he heard Moon panicking telling everyone not to go into the history class. Winter was confused but decide to try to comfort her and try to calm her down, Qibli, Turtle and Kinkajou tried to help to when suddenly the history cave exploded, Winter in a moment of panic looked at Qibli to make sure he was safe.
(Small timeskip)
Qibli, Kinkajou, Turtle and Moon were all safe, but 2 dragons had died and one was injured. Winter grabbed Moon and dragged her off, he was followed by Qibli, Turtle and Kinkajou. Winter look down at Moon and demanded "How did you know about the explosion?" Moon stuttered and shaked in place everybody was wondering how but they also wanted Winter to stop being so mean to Moon, suddenly Winter said "You will tell us how you kne-" Winter open his eyes wide as he remembered what the book said There is a mind reader Winter realized that this dragon must be Moon and she must also be able to see the future. Moon's eyes opened wide as she realized that Winter had found out as Winter then says "You can see the future and read minds, can't you!" Everyone was shocked by this revelation. Qibli stood there in complete shock and Kinkajou asked Moon why she didn't tell them. Winter couldn't handle the fact that Moon was the mind reader and clearly neither could Qibli, they both headed towards their cave, Winter slammed the book open and demanded "Is the mind reader Moon?" The book slowly wrote "Yes, and before you ask, yes she can see the future." Qibli looked over Winter sholder and saw the answer to their questions, he frowned and laid in his bed. Winter looked in the book as it write out "You should tell him before it's to late." Winter's face turned a dark blue as he saw this he then whispered "I know but what if he rejected me and What will my family think?" The book shoke and write quickly "You never know and also your family already doesn't like you, might as well be happy." Winter knew the book was right so he walked up to Qibli and shock him a bit, he turned over to Winter and asked "What is it ice prince?" Winter's face was a dark blue as he said "Qibli, I have to tell you something..." Qibli looked up and asked "What is it?" Winter shoke as his voice was shy and timid as he quickly said "Qibli I'm in love with you!" Qibli looked shocked and Winter turned in embarrassment but his face was suddenly grabbed by Qibli, he place a kiss upon Winter's cold face and said "I love you too, ice prince." Winter's mind was lost in that kiss, he couldn't help but want more, suddenly he heard a gasp and turned to see Turtle. Winter gave Turtle a death stare and Turtle said "I won't tell anybody, just don't hurt me." Turtle slowly backed out of the room clearly more worried about his life than going to bed. Winter asked Qibli "So are we boyfriends now?" Qibli smiled and said "Yeah, I guess we are Prince ice." Winter groaned as he knew he would have to get used to the nicknames Qibli gave him. Winter decided to tell Qibli the truth about the book "Qibli, I lied about the book, it probably does work with others." Qibli simply replied "Yeah I kinda guessed, you said nobody else knew about it so how could you know." Winter blushed in embarrassment as he laid beside Qibli, he cuddled up to him and he was ready for anything and he was happy.

Fate Of These Dragons
FanfictionWof Au where Winter finds a strange book soon after his first failed hunt, the book is strange and has unknown power.