Chapter 17: Strangely Perfect

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A/N: 08.01.2023


How did you celebrate New Year? 🥰

Btw an exclusive chapter in Oliver's POV has been released if you scroll up to the first few chapters + 2 exclusive chapters written in Aaron's POV + a character interview including the characters' horoscopes, height, and deepest darkest secrets 👀 I promise it'll make you laugh too!

Enjoy enjoy ❤ the book itself is still and will remain free don't worry! It's only for those who would like to read different aspects and dive deeper into the characters' pov and storie :)



When I stepped out of the building, I recognized Aaron’s car immediately. What was he doing here? I couldn’t believe he actually came all the way here. I got into the car and stared straight ahead, ignoring his gaze. 

“We can talk here,” I mumbled, but before he could speak, I couldn’t hold back my anger. “You need to stop doing this. You can’t call me every time I’m at work, Aaron, and I can’t keep coming to you like this.”

I couldn’t leave Oliver’s side whenever it was convenient for Aaron. It wasn’t professional. Aaron tried to explain his situation, but I could only hear excuses. 

“You have another assistant-”

“I didn’t give up on you,” he cut me off. 

“Aaron,” but when I turned to him, my eyes widened when I saw his black eye. He was wearing a cap to hide his face, but I could see the purple bruise that marred the corner of his eye. 

“What the hell happened to you?!” I demanded. 

“I was hit.”

“Yes, I can see that.” Instinctively, I took his face in my hands to get a better look. “What happened? Did you fight in public?”

“A bar.”

I scolded Aaron, telling him things he already knew. He wasn’t a kid anymore, so why was he behaving so recklessly? Didn’t he know that he was putting his career on the line? Of course he knew. So why…

“You like someone else, don’t you?” he asked suddenly. 

“No, I don’t.”

But even I could hear the hesitation in my voice, and I quickly cleared my voice to fill the silence. 

Again, we began arguing. It was the same pattern with him. We held onto feelings that lingered and refused to let go without fully dedicating ourselves to each other. It was as if we were tied together by a thin thread that wouldn’t break. We were connected by something frail and thin, not strong enough to hold us together but not weak enough to break completely. It was pointless staying here. It was obvious that Aaron was in a bad mood, and he acted impulsively at times like this so it was difficult to have a rational conversation with him. But more importantly, Oliver was waiting for me inside the building. I still felt bad for leaving his side even after promising I’d stay. I shouldn’t be here in the first place. 

“I have to get back to Oliver,” I sighed, hoping Aaron would take the time to cool off.

Maybe we could talk when he was calmer, but when I left his car, Aaron jogged after me. He grabbed my hand and kissed me without warning. It happened so quickly that it took me a second to realize our lips were touching. I jerked my head back and slapped a hand over my mouth, staring at him with wide eyes. I shot him an incredulous stare. Was he out of his mind?! And in that mere second, I knew something had changed between us. Nothing would be the same again. 

“Aaron, let go,” I ordered, baring my teeth and holding back my anger. I could see the shock and guilt in his eyes, but he wouldn’t release me. He knew if he let go, he would lose me for good. No, even if he did let go, I wouldn’t be able to see him the same. “Aaron-”

Someone pulled me back, and I staggered, surprised by the strong but careful strength that enveloped me. 

“I think he asked you to let him go.” Oliver stood protectively between us, his hand still holding mine. 

“Oliver? What are you doing here?” I asked. 

“The interview ended. You weren’t there.”

His cold tone made me stiffen. I dropped my gaze in shame. 

“Sorry,” I murmured. 

“Are you okay?” His voice softened slightly. 

“I’m fine.”

“I think we’ve met before,” Aaron intervened, glaring at Oliver with a tight simple. “In the parking lot with a tabby cat.”

“Yes, I remember the tabby cat.”

Aaron blinked in surprise but quickly masked his feelings. 

“Daniel used to work for me,” he continued. “I just wanted to catch up with him.”

Oliver scoffed, raising his brows as he looked at Aaron. 

“I don’t think forcing yourself on him is considered catching up,” he replied, his voice sending chills down my spine. I’d never seen this side of Oliver. Cold, distant, protective, intimidating. Was it because of his suit? His tall height? The way he groomed his hair?

He looked like the last person you’d want to mess with, which was unexpected for a man who loved polka dots and donuts. 

The atmosphere grew tense between Aaron and Oliver, and I stood in their shadows panicking on what I should do. Oliver finally turned his gaze toward me. 

“Do you want to stay with this man?” he asked. 

This man. I knew for a fact that Oliver couldn’t remember Aaron’s name. In any other situation, I would have found it funny, but this wasn’t the time to laugh. 

“Actually, we weren’t finished,” Aaron chuckled lightly, his eyes on me. Oliver didn’t even spare him a glance. 

“I don’t remember asking you.” 

My stomach did a backflip at Oliver’s voice, and my heart raced quicker inside my chest. I needed to separate these two before things escalated. 

“We should go,” I murmured, gently squeezing Oliver’s hand to get his attention. He looked at me and his eyes softened again. We went to the building but Oliver stopped and looked over his shoulder. 

“Oh, and sir?” Oliver called. “Please refrain yourself from touching my assistant.” 

A ghost of a smile touched his lips, but there was something dark and dangerous glinting in his oceanic eyes.

“He’s precious to me.”


A/N: Please leave a vote if you enjoyed the chapter  🥰


Please leave a vote if you enjoyed this chapter. But before you leave, can we all agree that Oliver being angry is 🥵🥵


If you read the exclusive pov in Aaron's chapter you kind of sympathize with him, especially after everything he's put through... BUT THAT STILL DOESNT EXCUSE WHAT HE DID

Idk I will remain team tabby 🐈🐈🐈

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