Chapter 63

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Montgomery's chaped and alcohol scented lips were pressed harshly against Lexi's delicate and Pepsi flavoured ones, their tongues tangling together.

His large and strong hands were dancing up and down her waist and back as she softly moaned against his lips slightly which was absolute music to his ears and he could listen to them all day everyday. A soft smirk covers the surface of his face in the middle of their kiss as he held her closer to him, never wanting to let her go

Jess and Justin were doing the same thing, lips locked and wet, warm bodies pressed together as they connected like two puzzle pieces while Hannah looked up at the dark star covered sky as the jets push bubbles against her, calming her down.

The random girl under zachs arms watched Jess and Justin with disgust and humour and Zach watched Montgomery with anger and jealousy.

It should be him that was touching the girl that way, but instead it was Montgomery de la Cruz. His complete opposite.

"Oh my god are they going to do it in here" the girl that was under zachs strong arm asks in humour and stares at the some more before sending Alex a harsh glare which Alex gladly ingnores and couldn't care any less about

"Nah there is like 8 rooms in that house"
Zach says with a fake laugh but his jaw was tensed as he stared at Montgomery's hand as it trailed down to Ellas ass and squeezes it

Justin stands up and lifts Jess up with her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck while his arms were wrapped strongly under her thighs to keep the wasted girl up in his arms. They laughed as they almost fell over but then they begin to stumble clumsily yet successfully out of the hot tub

"Oh are you guys leaving?" Hannah asks in worry as she looks at Jess and Justin who were still making out and were more than just drunk.

She didn't want to be left alone in the hot tub and she didn't really know anyone but Alex and she was occupied at the moment

"Don't worry Han we'll stay" Alex says as she pulls her lips away from her boyfriends and smiles at Hannah but Montgomery shakes his head and kisses her neck "Uh uh. No way baby girl. I'm tired of waiting let's go" he mumbles and pulls her out of the hot tub and she giggles slightly as she keeps her legs wrapped tightly around his waist.

He supported her weight with his hands gripping onto her thighs which made her let out a soft moan

"Come on Monty. We can definitely do this later but we should stay with Hannah" Alex says to him with a small pout but it wouldn't take much for the boy to change the girls mind as she was already in 'the mood' now.

Montgomery looks at Hannah and then toward his girlfriend and didn't want to argue with her but he shakes his head and gives her puppy dog eyes which she can't help but give into instantly

"Sorry Han. Duty calls" she mumbles and Montgomery picks her up and walks her back to bryces house and they find the room that Montgomery usually stays in whenever he stays over at bryces house for the night.

Montgomery pushes the door open and then shuts it quickly behind them and locks the door before turning back to the girl, chuckling at the cute look on her face.

"Ready?" he chucks her on the bed and she lets out an excited squeal as he climbs on top of her and begins to grind slowly against her body.

Montgomery begins to kiss her harder and then slowly trails down and places kisses along her jaw and down to her neck. She tangled her fingers in her hair as small whimpers left her mouth.

He begins to suck in multiple places leaving big purple and brown hickeys along her smooth skin

A soft moan escapes her mouth and she runs her fingers through his hair and tugs on it. He goes back up to her lips and continues kissing her while reaching over into the bedside table and searching for a Condom but he lets out an annoyed groan against her lips and pulls away when he can't find one

"I'll be back princess" he whispers to her and kisses her on the lips again and then he runs out of the room while she lets out a frustrated groan and waits patiently for him to come back

Finally Montgomery comes back and there was a worried look on his face and a silver package in his hand.

"Monty whats wrong" Alex asks quickly and sits up on the bed, a concerned look on his face.

He couldn't believe what he had saw. They should have stayed in the hot tub and he hated himself for not stopping it from happening. Bryce was his best friend, he looked after him, gave him food and made sure he had somewhere to sleep.

But more than that, Bryce had promised to make sure that Alex was safe whenever he wasn't around. He had promised to keep an eye on Alex and his parents had been secretly responsible for getting her the job that she has and why she gets paid so much. The job that she needed to survive, the job that she need so that she could buy food and clothes for herself.  If he had gone against Bryce, Alex would have lost everything.

Bryces parents had paid for Alex's hospital bills after the accident. Monty hated that he couldn't stop Bryce, but he tried to push the guilt down.

"Nothing it's nothing don't worry about it" he says quickly and crawls back into her and begins to grind against her body again and kisses her but Alex pulls away

"Are you sure your okay?" Alex asks the boy again with worry written all over her face and he nods his head and hands her the condom with a smirk replacing his worried look

"Yeah baby I just saw something that surprised me a little" Montgomery replies
"now let me show you how much I fucking love you"

"Okay," Alex says with a grin, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling her back down to her lips

Alex sighs and rubs her eyes tiredly as she reaches over to her bedside table and grabs her phone that had woken her up due to it ringing.

She groaned as the bright phone screen stung her eyes so she slid her finger across the screen to answer it without looking at the caller ID
"Hello?" Alex asks tiredly and in confusion as to who would be calling her this late at night

"Lex?" Alex hears someone whispers softly through the phone and she could hear the pain in his voice through the microphone

"J? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Alex asks in concern and sits up in her bed and listens to see what he says next

"Can I stay with you tonight please?" He whispers quietly through the phone

"Of course justy. You know you're always welcome to come over just make sure you come through the window" Alex says quickly

"Okay thanks I'll be over soon" he mumbles and pauses before continuing "I love you

Alex stops in confusion but quickly speaks up again when she realises she hadn't replied "I love you too J. You know that I'll always love you"

"yeah" he mumbles and hangs Up the phone and she sighs before reaching over to place her phone on the bedside table again and she pulls the cover off her body and gets out of bed

The cool wooden flaw underneath her bare feet makes chills race through her body and causes goosebumps to completely cover themselves over her small body

She walks over to the window and pulls it open and sits on the edge with a sad, tired sigh. She waits for him while the cool air from the open window lashes at her skin like Puranas

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