Chapter 2

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Iunitus, Solamar

"So let me get this straight. It's some sort of gateway, similar in nature to the gateways leading to Sahara and Amazonia?"

"Yes m'lord, but the weird thing with this one is the magic used to power it is more powerful than that used by our gates. This thing is even more powerful than a catalyst bomb."

"Should we be afraid of that? Or is the site safe to move our ships around without any negative effects?"

"Well sir, the magic as far as we're certain is stable. And no prolonged exposure to the gate has had any negative effects upon anyone. It's just another gate used to cross between worlds."

Emperor Guillerro was speaking with his noble advisors who specialized in the study of magic based utilities and applications. They were meeting on the notice of the mysterious gateway that appeared off the coast of Ucrana just three days ago. The area around the gateway was secured with 1st Carrier Strike Group maintaining a presence to guard it.

"So it's a gateway huh, to where exactly though?"

"We don't know yet m'lord. But what we do know it's nowhere on the three worlds we're already familiar with. This thing is leading to another world much farther out. However there is the other pressing issue about the unknown fleet which attacked our cruiser."

The military office was in shock after receiving the report about one of their cruisers being attacked by an unknown fleet of ships. But what came to a surprise was said ships were comprised entirely of wood, and were armed mainly with muzzle loaded cannons. Such a choice of design and equipment were vastly outdated in the age of full steel hulls and missiles. So where did these ships come from, and who sent them?

"Since a fleet emerged from the gate, I guess it's safe to confirm the other side is habitable and populated by...humans." The emperor stated. "And I though Europa was the only place humankind existed on."

"That was a very strange encounter sir, but we have gained some useful insight and knowledge from some of the more compliant prisoners. They say they work for an imperium, and were sent across the gateway to lay claim on and conquer any land they come across. This was an attempted invasion, much like the communists' attempt four years ago."

"Then this is something we cannot let slide." The emperor proclaimed. "They deliberately attacked one of our ships during peacekeeping times and admitted to arrive with the intention of invasion. If they were allowed to roam rampant, they would've likely come across Ucrana or the Mandarin islands. Or worse found the mainland and conduct and invasion on our shores. There must be severe repercussions for their actions."

"What do you suggest sir?"

"I suggest...that we send our forces across this new gate and located the homeland of this imperium. Then we show them that they picked the wrong planet with this gate of theirs, if it is theirs. From then on, we survey whatever world's on the other side for anything that could be of value or importance to our interests."

"I understand sir. Will you be contacting the chancellor and council for an official declaration of war against the imperium of another world?"

The emperor nodded, saying nothing more as he excused the specialist to leave his office. Allowing himself some privacy to set up a few documents and make a few calls regarding the council gathering to discuss this attack. A new dawn of reckoning was about to unveil itself, and with it would come the changing of history and power across a whole new world.


New World Gate

The New World Gate, as was now dubbed the mysterious gateway that appeared in the middle of the ocean, was completely surrounded by a large military buildup of ships from the Solamaran Navy, all tasked with the objective of passing through the structure and securing the surrounding area on the other side.

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