Gomez paced his room. Why did he do that? How could he kiss Lurch when his wife wasn't in the house?! He was devastated. What would his wife think about this?
He was frantically walking around for twenty minutes before he heard a knock at the door.
I really hope that isn't who I think it is. Gomez thought, making his way to the room's entrance.
There stood Lurch. Gomez's face dropped slightly, but he still held his charismatic smile as if to elude the fact that he was basically crying moments before.
"Ughhugh. Ughhhhuhuh. Ughuh." Lurch said, also trying to hide the overwhelming panic he was feeling.
"Ah! My wife is back! Thank you for informing me, Lurch. I will be down in just a moment." Lurch nodded and walked down the hall to the left. Gomez shut the door, accidentally shaking the door frame and knocking off two pens too close to the edge of a nearby desk.
Forcing himself to relax a bit, Gomez did one last nervous pace and walked out the door to greet his wife and kids.
Downstairs, Wednesday and Pugsley chatted amongst themselves while Morticia stood by. Seeing her husband, Morticia gave a small smile. Gomez's heart skipped a beat, and he smiled. It pained him, but seeing his wife before him, he knew that he would have to come clean about what happened. There would be no other way. And if he lost his wife because of it, he would take that consequence, for it was his fault from the beginning.
Lurch lurked in a hallway that overlooked the room in which the four family members were in. Seeing Gomez with his wife made him both happy and sad. It was nice knowing that Gomez was happy where he was but longed for the feeling of being appreciated in that way.
Watching the couple interact with each other for a minute, Lurch turned around and sulked through the hall to clean the children's rooms.
Hours passed by, and dinner time fastly approached. Lurch and Grandma had been in the kitchen making dinner, with Pugsley watching from a stool in the corner.
"So. What's up with you and dad, huh Lurch?" Pugsley asks over the clanging of pots and pans, fiddling with a knife he stached from the cooking chaos.
Lurch, who was cutting onions and celery for a stew, froze up.
"Uhhhhhhhgh. Ughhgh. Ughhhhugh?" Lurch said quickly, barely managing not to slip up on his words.
"Pssh. I know all the stuff that goes on in this house! How'd you expect me not to hear about this?" Pugsley replied nonchalantly, in a matter-of-fact way. Grandma flashed a quick wink his way, the rat on her head squeaking a bit, all going unnoticed by Lurch. With a little smirk, Pugsley continued, "So what's up with you two? You guys datin' or what?"
"Ughughhh." Lurch returned back to the onions and received a judging look from Pugsley.
"Hmpf. Fine, but if you want to discuss anything with me, I'll be here. And I mean aaaanything." Puglesy exaggerated the last word, hopping off the stood.
Without another word, Pugsley skipped out of the room, knife still in hand, off to do whatever the Pugster does in his free time.
Lurch shook his head a bit, contemplating what he should do. Telling Puglesy was out of the question. He would just stir up trouble for the already troubled butler. Grandma, on the other hand, probably wouldn't even remember if he had told her anything important, considering she was high all the time. Maybe it would be good to tell someone, though. Just to get his feelings out. Yeah. That's what he could do.
"Ughhhhugh. Ughghghhh. Ughh." Lurch calmly said. Grandma hummed in response.
"I know what'cha mean Lurch. I had a love once. His name was - huh. I don't remember his name, but that doesn't matter. He impaled himself on the bill of a display swordfish anyway. The point is, you gotta persue it, even if it ends in possible tragedy and enevitable depression leading to death." Grandma cackled, and her rats squealed. "You should tell Morticia, though. I think of all the people in this wacky household, she would be the one to consult."
Reluctantly, Lurch agreed. It would probably be best to tell her.
"Lurch, when do you think dinner will be ready?" Came a smooth voice from the door before Morticia stepped out to reveal herself.
"Ughghh. Ughhh."
"You wanted to talk? About what Lurch?"
Morticia paused.
"Gomez? What do you mean?"
"Uh- ... Ugh. Ughghuh. Ughhh. Ugh, ughghhhgh ughg." Lurch managed to squeak it out despite his nerves and abnormally low voice.
"Oh. of course. But I already knew that! You don't need to be so sheepish about it. I have no issue with you liking Gomez. If anything, I'm surprised you lasted this long without coming to me about it." Morticia laughed and approached Lurch, resting her hand on his arm.
"Ughghhhh?" Lurch replied in shock.
"Of course, I'm sure Lurch. Though now that you say that, I'm sure my husband is currently flipping out over it. Well, when he comes and talks to me about it, I will let him know to talk to you as well. Thank you for cooking dinner." With that, Morticia glidded away, leaving Lurch to finish cooking the stew.
Walking down the hall, Morticia could hear obnoxious pacing, coming from one of the studies on the lower floor. She walked up to the door and knocked.
A thud and clanging sounded from behind the door before Gomez responded with, "Ah- Yes! Coming my darling wife!"
With quick steps, Gomez flung open the door and smiled nervously.
"Hello Tish. What can I do for you?"
"Well, you could start by explaining why you are pacing the floor so vigorously. Or perhaps why you seem so skittish this evening." Morticia swiped away a small lint ball on the left shoulder of his pinstriped suit.
"Ah. Well. Funny, you should ask. I was going to talk to you about that. You see, something might have happened, and I was just a little nervous to tell you and all. But dont think that it has anything to do with you. This is completely on me, and I-" Gomez rambled but was cut off by Morticia's finger coming to his lips.
"Oh Gomez, I already know. I was going to let you tell me ln your own, but I see now that you would most likely continue rambling until you could find a way out of it. I'm alright with it if you must know."
Gomez stood there for a moment. He was speechless. It only processed through his mind when Morticia snapped her fingers in front of his face.
"I- Wait you- Lurch and I- You knew and you were fine with it?"
"If I'm to be completely honest, I've known since the first week that Lurch was here. He didn't say it, but I had a feeling."
"Oh! This is wonderful news!" Gomez exclaimed ecstaticly, hugging his wife. "I must go see Lurch immediately!"
And so, he was off to find his zombie of a butler.

One unnormal, informal night
FanfictionA Gurch fanfic, written as horribly and cringy as possible. Have fun reading it :D