Bentley: I know my cheek saw because you was kissing me to much then he laugh then he said I love you too then he smile. I heard you saw it about five times while I was in your arms but I was to sleepy to respond but I love you too (I kissed him when he said that then we started to eat) Oh my boy just text me saying our class for today just got cancelled because our lecturer had a tragedy so I don�t have to go school today.
It was a beautiful morning here chilling with my baby but and I was still feeling fucked up about what I saw when my father left the hotel room with my mom friend. I felt the pain and hurt that I know my mom will feel and I was torn in between everything. Should I tell my mother or should I let her find out or should I just stay out of it and concentrate on the love of my life and the drama we got to go through. Just watching him eat thoughts just run through my mind especially about Kelly because I know she have a master plan stirring up I just don�t want Bentley get caught up on it.
Bentley: Baby you ok? I�m worried about you
JB: As long as we going through life together I�m good and I know I been saying it to much that it might sound fake but I�m so glad to have you in my life and I don�t know what I would do if I lost you. You just keep me calm and in a right state of mind because I would have charge my father in the hall way after seeing that but I didn�t. I�m still torn about that as well I just think I should tell my mom but I don�t want see her hurt.
Bentley: JB I know how you feel and trust me my parents went through it also at one time. It was so bad that my mother crack my father in the middle of his head with a high heel shoes and he had to get stitches but some way they found their way back to each other after a break and it seemed to work out. I can�t tell you what to do baby but I just want you think before you do it ok because your mom is a grown woman she can take care of herself just be there to lend a shoulder for her to cry on when shit hit the fan.
JB: Yea I guess your right but I feel like ripping my daddy head off. I feel like ripping Rashad head off I mean I don�t know what�s going on with the men in my family I�m I the only one that can keep my dick to one person
Bentley: No you the one who better keep your dick to me nigga
JB: Oh so you just trying to control your nigga then, you would want crack me with high heel shoes to if I let someone else taste the dick
Bentley: He started to laugh because I was comparing him to his mom then he said nigga I don�t wear no high heel shoes but my running cleats will do the trick with them spike edges then he laugh
JB: I started to laugh then I said baby you crazy! You don�t have nothing to worry about because right now you got me so trip out over you ,no nigga nor chick could even make me smile at this moment. I just hope you keep the pussy to me
Bentley: No I then let one dude taste this
JB: Yea how I feel right now I know you aint want play with me like that you I crazy when I ready
Bentley: Oh yea I know you crazy then he started to laugh, I�m still shocked that you was trying to stab your brother with that butcher knife I was turned on and scared at the same time. I was thinking like dam if I cheat on you I will be a dead man if that was the case because that�s your brother and I�m just a boyfriend
JB: I laughed at him so hard and it so funny how he can make me forget about everything and change my moods in a instant then I said Bent the difference with you is that you the love of my life nigga and that�s hard to fine and I love my brother but he should have known better then that shit.
Bentley: Yea he should�ve but talk to him that�s still your brother and for the record I won�t ever cheat on you. Now dude if the dick wasn�t as good as it is then I might still be with you and get some dick from somewhere else then he started to laugh.

RomanceBOYxBOY Who am I is a story about a young thug banker named JB coming to grips with terms that he is gay. He is confused about wither he likes men or woman and goes through a lot of betrayal with his finance. Losing all he had but found true love wi...