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"Thank you."
"Aww. Thank you."

Both Tzuyu and I have been thanking Tzuyu's relatives for the money their giving us as wedding presents during this supposedly meeting with the shareholders.

It turns out, shareholders are within their family, of course. So, the meeting is more of a family gathering. Just like with my family—where business is family.

"I hope you know that half of that wedding present money is mine, right?" I joked as Tzuyu and I walk away from another relative after thanking them.

"Well, maybe if you're lucky—"

Tzuyu didn't even finish what she was saying and suddenly leans in to kiss me.

"What are you trying to do? Consummate the marriage right here?" I frustratedly asked.

Ugh. What is she doing to me?

"Mina." Someone suddenly calls me and I turned around to see Tzuyu's uncle, staring from a distance before finally walking towards us.

Jackson smiles. "Oh, Uncle Jackson, hi." I greeted him with enthusiasm and a big smile, continuing with the charade.

"Come here. Come here." Tzuyu's uncle said as he gestures for a hug for each of us.

"Jackson, let the poor girl go. You're suffocating her." A woman suddenly interrupted the hug with a joke, as she walk herself in our direction.

"Tzuyu." She greeted Tzuyu with a kiss on both cheeks.

"Aunt Irene." Tzuyu greeted back. Oh, so this is Tzuyu's Aunt Irene.

"And this must be Myoui Mina." Tzuyu's aunt finally greeted as she looked at me, and I decided to just smile at her politely. "Are those extensions?" Irene suddenly asks, referring to my hair.


"Uh... No, all mine." I simply answered. "Nice to meet you." I added with a smile and Irene just smiled back.

"Uh—I would like to make a toast." Tzuyu's uncle suddenly interrupts.

"To the marriage of the Wangs and the Myouis. Both personally and, once I sign the paperwork, professionally." Jackson announces with a smile. "Cheers."

While everyone cheers and applauds, Irene decided to interrupt. "And I'd like to add just a few words of my own."

"As some of you may know, I've been away for the last couple of months. So, I just found out about all of this." Tzuyu's aunt continues with a smile.

"I may not have a vote in this acquisition, but I do have an opinion." Irene suddenly added with a devilish smile. "And I think we would be foolish to get mixed up with this kind of new money." She finally finishes with a serious face.

"New money?" I growled. "My great-grandfather started Myoui Atlantic. And we just celebrated our hundredth year." I pointed out.

"Doesn't make you old money. It just makes you lucky." Irene replied. "And your mother is clearly an imbecile. Why else would she leave the company in the hands of some diamond-encrusted CEO Barbie?"

"Okay, that's enough, Irene." Tzuyu finally interrupts.

"Darling, I agree." Tzuyu's aunt suddenly said. "Our family. Should kill. This deal. Today." Irene announces, emphasizing on her words.

Everyone's dead silent. "Or else I'll go to the press tomorrow and kill it myself." Irene continues with that devilish smile of hers again.

"But in the meantime, congrats to the happy couple." She even added.

What the f—?

What the f—?

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"She's usually very sweet, I promise." Tzuyu immediately defended once it was just the two of us.

"Oh yeah, real bag of sugar." I replied sarcastically.

"Everything is fine." Jackson suddenly interrupts. "Irene just had a long flight. She's exhausted." He explains. "I have to apologize for my wife."

"I don't care what you do as long as the deal isn't in jeopardy." I honestly said.

"Well, not anymore, thanks to me."

"Well, then you are officially my favorite of the Wangs." I joked. "No offense, sweetie." I said to Tzuyu as she laughs.

"Did she say why she freaked out?" Tzuyu decided to ask her uncle, concerned about her aunt.

"Apparently, her family had some business dealings with your mother in the past that didn't go over so well." Jackson answered, referring to Momo.

What? Really?

"I knew nothing about that." He continues. "But once I told her Momo didn't approve of the deal, Irene perked right up."

"So, now can we sign the contract and move forward?" I finally asked.

"What is it with you? Nothing but business, business, business." Jackson replied. "We're in Taiwan. Let's celebrate, okay?"


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