Chapter 1

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--•--: TEAM FREE WILL'S POV :--•--

"Cas, are you really sure you have no idea what is happening?" Dean asked, sipping on his beer.

"Yes, Dean. I am not aware of what is happening to those angels. Metatron must have triggered something, even though all the angels fell." Cas responded, letting out a huff of frustration.

"Dean, Cas, we'll figure it out. Just go to bed Dean, Cas go figure out something to do, I'll do research." Sam interrupted.

"That's fine with me." Dean said running over to the bed and jumping onto it, landing face first onto the pillows. Cas went over to the couch and started to watch the television, Ridiculousness was on from Dean and Cas had taking a liking to the show host, Rob.

Sam searched into the depths of the internet, but found nothing, so he closed his eyes and fell asleep still in the uncomfortable motel chair.

--•--: EVELYNN'S POV :--•--

"Dad? Mom?" I ask going down the stairs. It was a cold winter night, and my parents were too quiet. Way too quiet. My wings were puffed up from being cold, but it warmed me. I made it to the last step and my face became horrified.

There on the floor lay my mother and father, wings torn from their backs. I let out a scream because that's the only thing I could do. I heard walking coming up behind me and I twisted around. There stood a man with blonde hair, beer belly, and a huge kitchen knife.

"Well, well, well. I knew there'd be another abomination." The man said in a thick northern accent. He had to be from the Boston area.

"Abomination?" I asked, "Have you not seen what you have just done?"

"Woah, this one talks back." he said lunging at me. He grabbed me in a choke hold as we fell to the ground. "Your wings aren't dull and ugly like the others. I could make a fortune off of your wings."

I gagged hoping for air, but it never came. I thought fast, 'Where is the best place I can hit or kick to get him off of me?' And then it came to me. Right in the nuts. I aimed my knee right at where the sun don't shine and brought it up as fast as I could. He made a surprised noise and almost let go of me. I repeated my action causing him to fall off of me right to the ground and I took off. I ran to the door grabbing my dad's huge shirt to hide my wings and a jacket.

I had to wrap my wigs around my torso, which was uncomfortable and hurt after a while. I slipped into the shirt while running and then the jacket. I was not going to freeze my ass off tonight, instead, I was going to run for my life tonight.


A/N Thank you for reading my first chapter of this book! It will be my main focus for right now, hopefully.


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