Hogwarts Most Wanted- CHAPTER THREE

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Through the day Fred had been helping me find each class, and give me a background check on each of the teachers. So far, Fred and I had two classes together: Herbology and potions.

“What do you have next?” He asked me whilst we walked through the halls.

“Uh…Defence Against the Dark Arts.” I replied, studying my timetable.

“We have another class together then.”

“That’s good. I wouldn’t survive here without you.” Fred let out a small laugh as we made our way into the classroom. I looked up from my papers to see a woman dressed in all pink standing at the front of the room. “That’s not the person Dumbledore introduced yesterday.” I whispered to Fred.

“You sure captain obvious?” He mocked. I gave him a small shove.

“Ehm.” The lady at the front of the classroom, who I could now see resembled a toad, started. “Women in my classroom must tie their hair up. It is unhygienic to have it flopping about.” The statement was directed at me. I nodded and pulled the hair tie from my wrist.

“Here. Allow me.” Fred whispered, releasing the hair tie from my grasp. My immediate reaction was to let him. But nobody needs to know about my scars. I don’t trust him enough yet.

“No!” I said quickly spinning around. “It’s fine. I like it in a particular….style?” I questioned myself.

“I understand. It is your hair after all.” He replied. I grabbed the tie and put my hair into a low side ponytail to the right side of my neck.

“Now.” The woman started again. “Take our seats. My name is Dolores Umbridge and I am your Professor.” Umbridge wrote her name on the blackboard with a flick of her wand.

“Excuse me miss, but where is Professor Woods?” I asked her.

“Students will raise their hand if asking a question!” She spat at me. “Professor Woods was removed from the Defence against the Dark Arts position and will now be teaching something else.” She replied bitterly. This woman was starting to irritate me.

The class went by in an irritating blur. Umbridge had covered the rules and made us all write them down four times for ‘maximum learning capacity’. Just before we were allowed to leave the class Umbridge stopped us.

“Before you leave I would like an essay of 3000 words on my desk by tomorrow morning.”

“Of what miss?” I asked politely.

“Of what you learnt today of course.”

“But we didn’t learn anything! We just wrote down notes on stupid rules! The rules don’t even make sense! How can we protect ourselves against dark forces if we’re not allowed to use magic? You just want to make us suffer!” And there it was. My big mouth had gotten me into trouble once again. This is exactly what happened at my old school.

“If you keep speaking like that it’ll be a detention for you young lady!”

“Believe me miss I’ve been through much worse! Do you even care about us? Do you care that we may be killed if not TAUGHT the spells needed? Oh and by the way,” My temper was rising and I could feel something boil inside me. “Pink really doesn’t suit you; you just look like a pig.” I started in a matter of fact tone. Oh’s and ah’s formed around me as my temper hit its peak. I would never release my WHOLE temper on someone. I’d probably kill them if I did that.

“Ah miss…Goyle. Detention with me tonight in my office.” I ignored all the whispering about my last name.

"I'M ADOPTED!" I screamed. Then the room when quiet, until Fred spoke.

“What for?” Fred asked Umbridge. “She was only voicing her opinion.” What a good guy.

“You too Mr. Weasley.” She said turning away.

“THAT’S UNFAIR! EPOXIMISE!” Umbridge slammed against her desk and stuck to it as if they were both magnets attracted to each other. Or better yet, Pansy attracted to Draco! Haha get it? No? Ok never mind.

“DETENTION WITH ME TONIGHT!!!” She screamed at the pair of us. Whoops?


Hi guys, I know I haven't spoken with you in a while so...Yea.....Hi?

I hope you liked this chapter and again I am so so so sooooo sorry about the whole 'hacked thing' but uh....yea :/ Anyways I want to get this story as famous as my other one but in less time SOOOOOOO unless you want the next chapter you will need to provide me with AT LEAST 5 votes! SO GET VOTING!!!! BTW the next chapter is when they are in detention with Umbridge so don't miss that! Did you like this chapter? Love? Like? Hate?

BTW Charaters? I need.....maybe 3 or 4? I dunno but if you wish to be in my story just ask and provide me with this info ok? :

Name, House, Dating (Cannot be Harry, Ron, or Draco OR George or Fred... Maybe Harry, depends) Crush, Description, Personality and .... anything else you wanna add.




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