The scouts

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Once the trial was over Lilith and Jonathan were transported to a little room by a woman named Hange and a man named Miche.

The lady wouldn't stop talking.

Hange:hi how are you!your tall!my names Hange!can I run tests on you?

Miche:Hange calm down.


Once they reached the room they spotted Eren and commander Erwin,along with the short man.




???:so this is the giant I heard about,your an ugly sight.

Jonathan:mad shorty?

???:I will kick your ass.

Erwin:enough.Jonathan,I believe you can help too Eren,I look forward to working with you two.

He shook their hands.

Erwin:you know our plan,and I want to know if you can do it.

Jonathan:it's not a choice,it's an order and I get orders done one way or another.

Erwin turned towards Eren.

Erwin:what about you Eren?

Eren:I don't know if I can,but I'll find out a way.

Erwin:good both of you have my respect.tomorrow at scout HQ to see your human and Titan skills.both of you

Both:yes sir!

Lilith:sir if I may,I want to be near Jonathan at all times in case of an emergency.

Erwin smiled he obviously knew what was going on.

Erwin:young love is a good thing.consider yourself a scout from now on.



They had made it to scout HQ,Erwin had told all of them to get rest it was a big day.Jonathan had went to his assigned room and started to take off his armor and stored his weapons in a lockbox under his bed.

He then started to take off his shirt and start doing his work outs 100 of every basic workout.

He got through the push ups and sit ups then the squats.he noticed some weights in the corner of his room and saw that they were 50s.he scooped them up and started preparing to lift.


Jonathan moved towards the door and opened it,he saw Lilith.her eyes stared at his sweat drenched scarred body for a few moments,glaring over his rock hard abs and solid muscles.

She snapped out of it and averted her eyes.

Lilith:I-I-um uh can't sleep.I was w-wondering I-If I could s-stay here don't have to of course!

Jonathan was red in the face obviously embarrassed.he smiled.


She walked in the room and stood in the corner trying to avoid eye contact.

Jonathan:why are you standing over there?

Lilith:I-I don't want to take up space.

Jonathan:go sit on the bed,I'll be done with my workout soon.

Lilith gulped at the thought of him working out.she did as told and sat on the bed.

He grabbed the 50s and started lifting them.

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