Round 1

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I look for my name when Midnight speaks.

Midnight: "The first match shall be between Y/N L/N and Ibara Shiozaki. Combatants take your places."

Her and I enter the arena standing opposite each other. 

Present Mic: "It seems even pretty flowers have thorns.  It's the assassin Ibara Shiozaki against unknown Y/N L/N. Keep those eyes open. I wanna see some flashy atta-"

Ibara: "Excuse me, pardon the interruption. I'm not sure why you called me assassin. I've come to this festival in search of victory. Not to take my opponent's life. That wouldn't be in line with the values of a hero at all."

Present Mic: "Right. Sorry."

Ibara: "I thank you for understanding."

Present Mic: "Right. Now begin!!!"

I rush towards Ibara. But something comes out of the ground forcing me to front flip over her. Looking over my shoulder I see something green coming my way. I roll narrowly avoiding it. But my ankle is grabbed by what looks like vines.

Ibara: "I got you."

I'm swung before being launched into the air. Coming down Ibara sends her hair at me. I roll landing behind her. Delivering a kick its blocked completely by her hair.

Present Mic: "Looks like Y/N's just going around in circles. If he can't find a way around Ibara's hair then he'll just wear himself out."

I leap back to think.

Y/N: "Okay. Her hair's her greatest strength. It's strong enough to deflect most attacks. It's also fast. Meaning my eyes are useless. Meaning I gotta use my special move."

I exhale closing my eyes.

3rd POV

Everyone cocks an eyebrow.

Present Mic: "What's this? It seems Y/N has closed his eyes. Just what is he planning on doing?"

Ibara: "You're a strange boy."

She sends her hair at him.

Y/N: "Relax your body. Let it guide you."

The hair comes in close. But all the hair on Y/N's body rises. In a split second he twists avoiding the hair attack. This makes everyone gasp.

Present Mic: "Incredible!!!"

Ibara sends out another hair attack. Like before Y/N effortlessly dodges the attack. He rushes at her as a blur. Getting close he shoulder bashes her. She holds out her arms but still receives the full impact of the attack. 

She goes sliding backwards across the arena floor. Sending her hair into the ground she roots herself stopping a couple feet from the arena edge. 

Ibara: "I won't be defeated that easily!!!"

She sends out several strands of her hair. Y/N ducks and weaves through her onslaught. But he takes a few of attacks. Not deterred he gets in close. Sending out his hand he slams his palm into her stomach. She coughs before being scooted back again. A buzzer then rings out.

Present Mic: "Ibara Shiozaki has been knocked out of bounds. Y/N L/N is the winner!!!!"


I open my eyes smiling as everyone cheers my name. I look at everyone cheering when I get a tap on my shoulder.

Y/N: "Yes?"

Ibara: "That was a stellar fight. And that secret move of yours was something else. Really got me."

I smile rubbing the back of my head.

Y/N: "Thanks. You know you weren't too bad yourself. You've got pretty good control over your hair. You'll have no trouble being a formidable hero."

She smiles with some red in her cheeks. In front of everyone she kisses my cheek. My face explodes red as everyone goes crazy.

Ibara: "You're very kind. May you have nothing but good fortune."

She walks away with a smile on her face.

Present Mic: "Seems as though this aspiring hero stole more than a victory."

I hold where she kissed me.

Y/N: "Wonder how mom is reacting."

*at home* 

We see Y/N's step mom clutching the TV crying waterfall tears.

Mom: "My little boy's all grown up!!!!"

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