Planes and airports

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John bounced around in his seat, excited to be on a plane his first time.

"Geez, John, calm down. You'll explode."
John laughed and shrugged,
"I'm just so excited!"
"I know, dear, just be calm."

John nodded and stared out the window, watching as the plane left the groung.


"Hedgehog man."

John stirred, hearing his name being called many times.
"Mmm.... Sherlock..." He whispered, opening his eyes to see Sherlocks own face very close.
John blushed and kissed him quickly,
"What?" he asked, a small smile on his lips.
"We're here." Sherlock whispered, a small blush fanning on his face.

John squealed, loudly, looking out the window quickly. They we're, indeed, landing in Paris that very moment.

"Sherlock! God, I love you!" He squeaked, kissing Sherlock for a longer amount of time.



It was hard being seven inches and being in an airport.
John had learned that, the hard way.

"Sh." Sherlock whispered, pushing his head down gently back into his coat pocket, keeping John out of sight.

How they got past security?
John will never know.
But, of course, he didn't care.

"Paris..." John gasped as they stepped outside, the lights made the dark sky bright, almost as if it was day.

It was beautiful.

'I wonder why Sherlock brought me here.'

"Let's go check into our hotel."

[Can anyone guess what's gunna happen? ;3)))) I only have one idea, other than that I have no idea XD]

A tiny love [Johnlock romance & PocketLock]Where stories live. Discover now