This is for my Shinso fans.
(Y/N) (L/N). Know as "The most dangerous girl in school." is actually simply a girl who is misunderstood. She gets her title because of her quirk, so people make her seem like this dangerous woman.
The same goes for a par...
Christmas break was ok, but it wasn't the best. I mainly stayed in the house a lot. It wasn't as fun because I didn't have my best friend with me. Everything just seems kind of dull.
I did text Shinso some but we didn't really hang out a lot because I have an overprotective mother. Don't get me wrong I'm glad that she's concerned about me, but it was kinda upsetting that she wouldn't let me see my own boyfriend.
So I basically had a lame Christmas break, and here I am at an even worse place than I was before.
I took a sip of my coffee and entered the building. I sighed walking to my class. Before I could open the door, it swung open revealing Mina staring at me.
She gave me a look and tried to slam the door in my face, but I stopped it before it could and entered the classroom. Kirishima gave me a wave signaling for me to join the rest of the group. Bakugo looked angry as ever, and Kaminari and Jiro were talking to each other. Yeah, totally ship it.
"How was your Christmas break?" He asked smiling happily. "Lame." I responded nonchalantly.
Before he could say anything else Mr. Aizawa entered the classroom and we immediately went to our seats. I sat down as he started teaching the class.
When class was dismissed we headed to our next designated classes. Jiro walked up to me and started making small talk. Honestly it was nice. Jiro and I don't really talk a lot so it was a cool change.
After school Jiro and I walked to our dorms together.
"You and Shinso are totally hiding something, I know it." I blushed slightly at her words, but then I had my own idea. "Oh don't act like you and Kaminari aren't in love with each other." I smirked and she turned bright red. "Me?! In love with that dimwit! Never!" She shouted in defense. I gave her the "I know you're lying" look and she fell silent.
We passed Mina in the hallways and she gave a jealous look. Oh... she's mad that me and Jiro are hanging out, that's hilarious.
While on our way back Kaminari ran up to us. He put his arm around Jiro and smiled. "How are you ladies doing?" Before I even had a chance to respond, Jiro yanks his arm off of her. She started yelling at him, her face a dark crimson red. I just shook my head as the three of us continued walking.
Well anyways the three of us said our goodbyes and went to our separate dorms. I threw my backpack on the floor and flopped on the bed. I got cozy in my bed and under my blanket and decided to take a nap.
When I woke up I checked my phone and saw that I had a message from Shinso. He said we should meet up since it has been two weeks since we've seen each other. But he said wear something fancy and look really fancy. I was confused on that part, but I complied.
I put on a black dress with fishnets and my favorite black boots. I added my black gloves and put a little makeup on. Black lipstick and eyeshadow really knows how to do the trick. I immediately left my dorm and went to his dorm.
He opened the door and I quickly gave him a big hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me back. He kissed the top of my forehead and gave me a small smile. "You look nice." He complimented. "Thank you." I responded with a little blush on my face. He simply nodded.
"How have you been doing?" He asked letting me in his dorm. "Good I guess. Christmas break was lame and boring though." I explained to him. He nodded in understanding. "I can agree with that, I didn't really do much."
Well at least I'm not the only one.
"Well we're here together now, so let's hang out together." He said dragging me out of his dorm. "Where are we going?" I looked over to him and he only smiled.
"It's a surprise."
Shinso pov
"Alright, open your eyes." I said, and her eyes slowly opened. She stared in shock and her mouth hung open. "You- you... what?!" She was speechless.
I decided for our first date as a couple we should go to her favorite expensive restaurant. "This place cost tons of money, we're really going here?!" She stared at me, surprise still written on her face.
I nodded my head. "I figured it would be the perfect place to have a first date." She smiled brightly and dragged me inside.
We got to our seat and waited to be served.
I ordered chopped steak, and she ordered miso soup.
Once we were finished with our dinners we headed back to the school.
Today has been a great day, but there is one more thing I would like to do.
After we were done changing into something more casual, we went to my favorite place. And only I know about it. We turned to a back alley, and she started to back away.
"You aren't gonna kill me, are you?" She asked looking at me nervously. Man she's freaked out.
I started laughing at her expression. "I'm serious!" I continued laughing.
Once I finally calmed down I managed to respond. "No, don't worry."
When we got to where I wanted us to go, her eyes suddenly began to light up. She screeched, an ear piercing sound erupting in my ears.
She ran over and started playing with the animals. There were a bunch of different unowned dogs and cats. I usually would come for just the cats, but I know that she likes both so I just let her have fun.
"There are so many! They're so adorable!" A baby golden retriever walked up to her and sat on her lap, and a black cat jumped on her shoulder. She started giggling when the pup licked her cheek and the cat started snuggling into her shoulder.
"Awww I love this so much, thank you for bringing me here."
I smiled.
"I knew you would like it."
I just watched as she continued to play with the cuddly animals.
It was a cute sight to behold. I started blushing a bit when I saw just how adorable she looked. I then got distracted and looked down to see a cat snuggling my leg.
I picked it up and kissed his little nose. It adorably flinched then licked my cheek. I smiled at the cute thing. I sat down on the ground next to (Y/N), as we both cuddled the animals.
Yep, definitely the best first date ever.
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