Claire hated early mornings almost as much as she hated the sun. School seemed almost as if a prison as any reasonable seventeen year old would say although her mother would definitely say that Claire was being a little theatrical. The first day of school almost seem to ominous to bare but then again Claire always faced most of her problems head first. Just a deep breath you'll be gone before next March. Claire began her ritualistic routine one that she had been doing since kindergarten and mentally prepared to be gawked at all day.
Pulling up to the coveted high school with the rain hitting her windshield Claire would almost see this as a right of passage in a soppy movie but given the fact that her life was more of a horror film than a coming of age movie she decided to leave the ideals at the front door of the gloomy looking high school. Looking around the hallway she deducted that this place did not get many new kids halfway through the semester and if they did they sure did not obtain Claire's level of beauty. Claire knew she was gorgeous there was nothing plain about the fiery girl and yet her looks she always managed to convey were the least interesting thing about her. Walking to her first class of the day being Biology she stumbled into the only available seat by a huge boy with dark hair. Claire noticed he was paler than her and the next thing she concurred was that he had beautiful yellow eyes.
Yellow, hmm what an interesting eye color the girl thought to herself thinking that more than likely he had a genetic condition that made his eyes like that. "Hi, I'm Emmett Cullen I guess we're lab partners for the semester huh?" said the bear like boy. " I'm Claire Adler, I guess we are. No need to worry I can hold my own as a partner," the seventeen year old said smirking. Claire was always one to flirt even when the situation didn't necessarily call for it. Not to mention Emmett was the first semi attractive male she had seen this morning. Well scratch that he was very attractive but Claire was never one to let a man know what she thought unless it was to tell him off. Emmett smirked in return to her comment and they began to work quietly all throughout class. Maybe Forks does have some prosperity after all Claire thought?
Lunch time rolled around and the brunette girl made her way into the cafeteria with her books in hand hoping to get caught up on some reading for English. Sitting down with her apple and sandwich she surveyed the cafeteria. Behind her she could see Emmett sitting with other people she deemed to be alarmingly beautiful. A blonde girl, a dark haired girl, Emmett, a blonde boy, and a brunette boy. They all seemed to be talking intently so Claire looked away never one to pry into others business. The same couldn't be said about her mother thought Claire bitterly. They used to have the best relationship until that one night everything changed. Claire shut her eyes and all of. a sudden she was back in Ohio. Alex was a twenty-one year old bartender at the local bar right next to where Claire worked. He was tall, skinny, blonde, and littered with tattoos. He had his own apartment twenty minutes from where Claire lived and she assumed that's where her attraction truly began. The thought of rebelling and dismissing her mother got her off more than any of Alex's feeble attempts with his fingers or penis.
A plate being dropped in front of her snapped her out of her daydreams of Ohio. Oh great pretty boy is here. What did he say his name was? Matt? Max? No it was Mike. Mike sat down in front of Claire with a toothy grin as if he had just one first place at the county fair for having the fattest pig although she doubted Mike was a boy who ever liked to get his hands dirty. "Fancy seeing you here," he said all the while grinning. It physically pained Claire not to roll her eyes so hard she'd fall out of her seat by his lame excuse to talk to her. She wasn't entirely sure why this pretty boy irked her so much. Probably because with the loss of the hair gel and a few tattoos Mike could pass for Alex. That was a scary thought that if anyone looked like Alex then they must also be capable of acting as he did. "Yeah it's a cafeteria people eat lunch here," Claire quipped hoping that her lack of interest in her tone would allow him to catch a hint.
"No I meant I had no idea you would come to Forks High school," Mike told her. Great, her uninterested tone didn't deter him as she had hoped it would. Fine I guess bitchy was the road they were going to go down next. "Well it's the only high school here now isn't it?" Claire said in her bitchy attitude she would use all the time to strike a nerve with her mother especially when they were arguing back in Ohio. Mike seemed to short circuit with that thought and Claire took the moment of reprieve to pick up her stuff and quickly leave the cafeteria.
After her last period of the day Claire with everyone else quickly walked out to their cars. Laying her backpack on top of her car she began to pack her books that she had been carrying in her arms into her bag. Zipping it up she hopped into her mom's old sedan and began the drive back to her house. Even only living here a few weeks Claire had a favorite way home it was on some backroads that took her past the beach it was such a pretty view and even though it added five more minutes onto her trek she didn't care in the slightest. Jamming out to music she rounded a curve and looking up she saw an individual standing in the middle of the road. Before Claire could think she hit her foot on the breaks all the while the car swerved. Trying to overcorrect she hit the ditch and guard rails on the other side of the road trying to miss the weird individual in the road. Hitting her head so hard all Claire could hear was ringing.
Trying to maneuver out of the locked seatbelt her heart rate began to climb as the barefoot man slowly approached the wrecked car. Claire began to panic wanting to scream but knowing that she was too far away for anyone to hear her. Frantically she searched for her phone all the while blood poured down her face where she had hit her head. The man walked closer and closer while Claire struggled to get out. All of a sudden she heard a growl and the individual was gone. All that was left in his place was a giant wolf. A wolf much bigger than she had ever seen before. The wolf stared at her as she looked back trying to convey a thanks to animal she knew could not talk. The wolf scurried off and as soon as its tail was gone from sight Claire succumbed to the darkness clouding her vision.

Eyes Open~ Twilight Saga
FanfictionClaire Adler had always been a peculiar child. Never one to pick a fight she often went unnoticed to those around her. One chance encounter in the woods sends Claire's life spiraling. "What are you?" "Honestly, I'm still trying to figure it out mys...