Episode 1: Plans

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Me, Clem, and AJ entered the room Clem was in earlier. I looked at the bunk beds. "Well, at least theres another mattress up there." I said, looking at the bunk to the right of the room.
"This box has a lot of colors." AJ said, looking at an art box.
"Its an art box. Something an artist would use." I told him.
"What's an artist?" AJ asked. It kept slipping my mind that AJ doesn't know some basic human things because we've been focusing on survival.
"An artist is a person who draws pictures and uses lots of colors." Clementine told him.
"Like Tenn?"
"Yeah, like Tenn."
"Well, i got some patching to do." I said. I went to the first aid. "Got that peroxide?" I asked Clem.
"In the bag."
I searched the backpack and grabbed the bottle of peroxide. I cleaned the wound out with it and bandaged it up. "That outta do it."
The door opened. Violet saw we were here. "Sorry. I didn't know Marlon set you up in here. This was Sophie and Minerva's room." Violet apologized.
"Its alright." I said.
"I came to get a box thats been sitting here the past year." Violet looked in the closet. "Where is it?" She turned around. "Oh. There it is. Tenn wanted it." Violet told us.
"You should give it back, AJ." Clem told him.
"You can finish your drawing first." Violet told him. She took a seat on one of the beds. "I missed having a girl to talk to." Violet said. "Its a little too bro-town with all the dudes."
"Glad we showed up when we did." Clem said.
"Sophie was an artist. She had paintings hung on every wall in this room. Minnie was a singer. She actually had talent, unlike Louis. She had the prettiest voice. Marlon always joked about scavenging a guitar them going on tour across country." Violet explained.
"They sound like really good people." I said.
"They were. Sophie was a great friend. And Minnie, was...we were close." Violet said.
"Best friends?" I asked.
"No. Beyond that." She told us. It clicked in my mind. "Oh, got it."
"When they...Brody and Tenn came in here and took down everything. Buried it with their other stuff." Violet sighed. "I'm uh, sorry for coming off as bad. I'm not a people person." Violet said.
"You seem fine to me." Clem said.
"You too. Especially killing those walkers." She said. "And you were pretty good too. You shredded that walker's face."
"I protect my sister no matter what." I said. "Maybe I'll do that for more people if we get to stay."
Violet smiled. "I should go. Goodnight." She said as she went to the door.
"Yeah. Night, Vi." I said. She closed the door. I climbed up the ladder on the top bunk and got on the mattress. "God, i forgot how much I missed sleeping in a bed." I said. Clem hung AJ's drawing on the wall. "Uhh, AJ?" Clem said. She saw AJ was under the bottom bunk. "AJ?"
"Monsters can't find me from down here." AJ said.
"AJ, you should at least give the bed a chance." I said.
"What if someone comes in the door?"
"That door's super sturdy." Clem said.
"Plus, you'll get cold under there." I added.
"I don't know. Can't I stay here? Its not so bad down here."
"AJ, please. Give this bed a chance. Its soft and warm. I think you'll really like it." Clem said.
"Alright." AJ said. He slid out from under the bed and jumped on the bed. "This bed is super soft.
"Told ya so." Me and Clem said. Clem got in her bed. "Clem. Y/n." AJ said.
"This place is nice. I'm glad we found it."
"We are, too." I said.
"Yeah." Clem followed. I started to slowly drift off, and fall asleep.

The next morning...
We were going up the stairs to the headmaster's office where Marlon was. Once we got there, we were greeted by Rosie, Marlon, and Tenn. Rosie ran straight to me. I hardly knew this dog, yet she's acting like I'm her best friend. "Aww, whos a pretty Rosie?" I asked. I went to a knee and rubbed her jaw. She licked my hand. "AJ, give it back!" Tenn said. AJ had a fireman toy that belonged to Tenn. "AJ, return the toy to Tenn." Clem told him. AJ gave the toy to Tenn. "who are they?"
"They're firefighters. They protected us." Tenn gave his brief explanation.
"Where are they now?" AJ asked us.
"They died. Protecting us from the walkers." Clem told AJ. She was cautious to pet Rosie, which was understandable -thanks, Sam- but Marlon helped her out. "Here. Let her get your scent." Marlon said. He lowered Clem's hand to Rosie's snout and she sniffed and licked it. "Aww, see Clem? She likes you." I told her.
"Now, give a whistle and tell her to lie down." Marlon said.
Clem whistled, and right on top of it was, "Lie down, Rosie." And Rosie followed the command.
"Now she'll recognize you. She was the headmaster's dog. When the world went to shit, he bailed. All the other adults did. Left us behind to fend for ourselves." Marlon explained his backstory.
"What a dick." Clem said.
"Understatement of the century."
"Sounds to me like this dick was straight dickless." I said.
"So, now its just us kids left. And I'd like it if you, AJ, and Y/n were a part of that." Marlon said.
"Kids? Doc, I'm 22." I said.
"Yeah, and Violet's 19. Now let's talk about this." Marlon went to a map. "This is the current state for gathering food. We're starting to run short." We took a look at the map of Ericson's. "Traps?" I asked.
"Hunting ground, more like. Aasim and Louis are set to go there today."
"What's out here?" Clem pointed at a blue line going down the page.
"Ah, that's the river where we fish. Got a shack for storage right here." He pointed at a little building. "Vi and Brody should be heading out there in a bit."
"And theres the train station." I said, pointing at it.
"Yeah, its probably a lost cause. And the red line is the safe zone. Going outside it makes people die or disappear...with the food situation, i...i can't lose anyone else." Marlon said.
"Well, you nearly scared me when you said Y/n was dead." Clem said. "And we know what its like to lose a friend. We won't let it happen. I promise." Clem said.
"Everyone's counting on me to step up. You three are more mouthes to feed." Marlon said.
"What can we do?" Clem asked.
"Louis and Aasim are going to the hunting grounds. Well, Aasim is. Louis...i hope he shows up. Violet and Brody are going up river to do some spear fishing. Both teams could use an extra pair of hands." Marlon said.
"We'll go with Louis and Aasim." Clem said.
"Be careful. And don't fall into Louis' 'trap.'" Marlon told us.
"Thanks...?" I said.

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