Chapter 26

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WARNING: This chapter contains acts of Violence and Sexual Abuse. You have been warned!


Sophia looked around the room; even though they bothered to fix it up by adding a new bed and some wooden chairs, it was still obvious how the years had treated this place.

Badly. Harshly.

The wooden walls had rotten patches here and there; the floor would creak whenever someone stepped. The windows showed that their wooden covers were new, adding some privacy to the room.

At the moment, there wasn't any light except the sun that was soon to set. Sunset used to be one of her favorite times, but now... she hated the sight. She dreaded the time the sun would set.

She knew what it meant. He would be coming and trying again to get closer to her.

Sophia walked up to the window, the door to the room was locked, but the window wasn't. She opened the window but found a man standing there.

They were both startled to see each other.

Then he grimaces at her and closes the window again. Keeping her inside.

"That's another escape route blocked." she thought to herself.

She needed to find a way to protect herself, she managed to stay awake last night, but God knows what could happen tonight. Especially after her little stunt with her dagger and her blood. She was sure he would make a move tonight to teach her all about 'obedience'.

Sophia was relieved when she managed to keep the dagger to herself. When she first got to this forsaken place, they ripped away her dress, leaving her in her garments and laughing at her state.

Valerie had advised her to keep the dagger around her ankle at the ball since she couldn't keep it around her wrist. When they ripped her beautiful dress away, she hid the ankle where the dagger was behind her other in the act of hiding her body from these filthy men.

Luckily no one suspected or saw anything out of the ordinary. They kept her like that for a couple of hours before they threw at her a dirty, loose white blouse and some baggy pants just to cover herself and keep themselves under control. Leaving her barefoot.

Before they tied her up in his tent for the night, she was able to move the dagger from her ankle to her wrist again, hiding it under the blouse's sleeve.

Now, stuck in a locked room where she was sure he would come in and do unthinkable things to her, she needed to toughen up and take action.

He will never suspect that she has a weapon up her sleeve. Once he sleeps, she will use it and escape.


"Precious! I'm home!" he sings his greeting as he unlocks the door and enters the room.

Sophia was sitting in the corner of the room, away from the bed and door, glaring at him. She, of course, didn't respond.

"Oh, are we mad about what happened today?" he walks closer to her. "Did it hurt? I'm sorry, Sweetie, but you can not do something like this." he crouches in front of her. "Don't repeat it, and I won't use violence, okay?" he smiles at her as if what he is saying was the most normal thing ever.

She looks away from him, not wanting to acknowledge his presence. The harsh Captain sighs at her actions and stands up. Walks toward the bed and flops on it.

"Aren't you tired of sitting on hard ground? I made sure we got the best mattress for you." he smirks.

Even though she wanted to stay quiet, even though she knew he was saying all these things just to get her to comment. She couldn't keep it to herself. She felt shivers go up her spine from disgust at the image of her on that bed with him.

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