•Chapter 47•

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Zahra's POV
"Congratulations she is 3 weeks pregnant." I heard the doctor mutter. The flash of happiness that went through my body, I couldn't say.

I was so damn happy. "Hakim." I called silently tearing up. "Babe, we did it." He said and I nodded hugging him. I can't explain how happy I am right now.

Finally, I've been blessed with another child again. "She should come for regular checkups please, and sir please take good care of her." The doctor said to hakim.

"I promise I will, I'll take such good care of her." Hakim said and I smiled. "Alright, see you some other time." The doctor said then smiled and left.

"Baby ina San agualima." (Baby I want agwalimo). I said pouting. "Zahra but you know it's not the season for that." Hakim replied. "Mmm, okay fine I want suya." I said.

Hakim sighed. "Your fault, I didn't ask you to get me pregnant." I said rolling my eyes skywards and he chuckled.. "Toh go and rest inside and I'll go get the suya." he said. "Aww, I love you babe." I said and hakim smiled and kissed me.

I got out of the car and went inside the house patiently waiting for hakim. I even fell asleep.

1 hour later
I woke up and checked the time, and one hour had passed. I looked beside me and saw the suya well packed waiting for me to devour it.

"Babe!" I yelled. "Habibty what happened?" Hakim yelled back. "Thank you!" I said and smiled. "You're welcome" I heard him say and i started eating the suya.

The next day
I was sitting on the couch when my phone rang. It was mama. I happily picked the call up. "Mama! How have you been?" I asked. "I should be asking you that, you know pregnancy and stuff." Mama said and I chuckled.

"Mhh, but I still have the right to ask my mommy how she is right?" I said jokingly. "Ofcourse, I'm fine zahra." Mama said.

"B-but I called to tell you something important." She said. "I'm all ears." I replied.

"W-what? Aliyah? Pregnant?" I was so fucking shocked. Shocked is an understatement, I was dismayed. "But mama how?" I asked her, tearing up. Who would want to do this to my dear aliyah? She must be devastated.

"She just kept muttering 'Faisal I wont forgive you'." Mama revealed.

"Faisal? HOW COULD HE?" I yelled and hakim came down immediately.
"Zahra what is it?" He asked.

By this time, mama had cut the call. "Hakim he betrayed aliyah." I said tearing up. "Who?" He asked confused.

"Y-you know Faisal? The one I saw together with aliyah at the park the other day?" I asked. "Yes yes." He replied.

"H-he r-raped aliyah." I muttered. "Auzubullahi." He muttered. "May Allah forgive him but I swear I won't." I muttered. "Calm down Zahra." He tried calming me down.

"Can we go see her?" I asked. "Of course, right away." He replied.

"Zahra!" Aliyah yelled coming to hug me tightly. I hugged her bag so tight. I know what it feels like. "Aliyah, I- I'm sorry." I said my voice as low as ever.

"Zahra how can I forgive him?" Aliyah asked. "You won't, never!" I yelled a bit. I hugged her again.

"Zahra he betrayed me, he betrayed me!" She yelled crying profusely. I could feel her pain. "Aliyah take heart please." Hakim said and she nodded slightly.

"What will people say? Who would want to ever marry me?" She asked. "Aliyah I'm sure we will get someone." I said even though I myself wasn't sure.

"Mubarak." Hakim muttered.
"Huh?" I was confused. "I am pretty sure Mubarak will be willing to marry her, I mean she is pretty and all." Hakim said.
"Okay, but the pregnancy." I said.

"We will find a way out of that inshallah." He said.
I sighed. "Hakim thank you so so much." I said hugging him.

"Aliyah it will be fine." I said reassuringly and she nodded. Mama was here watching.
She was tearing up. I had to go console her.

"Hakim did you talk to him?" I asked. "Yes I did, he said he is okay. But he is still thinking about the pregnancy thingy." He replied.

"Okay, I hope he agrees." I said.
"By the way, can I have his number?" I asked. "Sure." He said. Hakim trusts me so much and I'm glad, I love him.

He gave me the number and I promised myself to call Mubarak and thank him later.
"Hakim why do you trust me so much? I'm not saying you shouldn't but-

"Zahra...where there is love there is trust." He said. He words went deep into my soul. And I felt ease wash over me. I love this man so so much.

May Allah make our relationship one of the best. Ameen. "I love you Hakim." I said my eyes starting to tear up. "I know you do, and I love you more babe." He said placing a peck on my cheek and cupping my face in his palms.

He caught me off guard by pulling me into a deep passionate kiss. I kissed back. I went deeper locking our tongues together.

We pulled apart to gasp for air. I said Alhamdullilah in my mind. I really thank god for having such a kind hearted husband.

I love you Hakim Ahmed Mustafa❤️‍🩹

Such a short chapter I know. But this chapter was really hard to write and so I couldn't even get to a thousand words as I usually do😭😭.

I am lazy and I don't even know what to write, y'all should just gimme ideas or sum' cause my mind is blank.
And I also have to go to hell(school)😪

Shaa see you next time lovelies😘


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