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Maysin's POV
May 24th,2013 (Flashback)
I'm in my room. Doing my work but thinking about leaving,leaving school, leaving home, leaving the state. Taking my sister with me. I'm so tired. I've been trying to pick up behind my mother in cleaning the home, helping my sister, keeping the bills paid. Enough is enough! All she does now is crack, needles, anything she can get her hands on...and she has a dude he ain't a man i'll tell you that. A man never lets his lady's crown slip and he sure as hell doesn't help it slip. But she listens to no one but him. You know what I will leave! After I get my next paycheck from Home Depot me and my sister are leaving to New York. My uncle Remy has an apartment he owns and I can find a job there! My sister can go to a good school up there and everything. I'll hit Remy up tomorrow.
A week later...
"Hey why aren't we going to school? you're on an interstate.why?" my sister asked confused. I didn't tell her my plan or what we were doing because she'd throw it in my moms face when they argued and would mess everything up! So I didn't tell her.. "I didn't tell you the plan but me and you are leaving. We're moving to New York. We are going to start fresh here and become the best versions of our self we can possibly be. Rae we gotta leave momma behind because she's our setback as much as I love her we can't let her hold us back from being greater. I'll check in on her and everything but as far as providing for everything including her habits I will not. Therefore we're gone" I would tell Vicky and Yora but I don't want to feel worse and more sad than I already am because i'm leaving them. I hope I come across them in the future...

June 3rd,2019
I was interrupted out of my thoughts about before coming to New York by my phone dinging. It was just Kyraeya texting me to get her some chic-fil-a. Greedy spoiled behind. I turned down 3rd ave being that this one is the closest one from where I gotta make one of my plays. When I pulled up I thought I noticed someone familiar walking in to the building. When I came in the person was ordering and I was waiting for them to turn around.

Aiyora POV
As I was ordering I felt someone walk up behind me and as any normal person's instinct I turned around and it was Maysin. I smiled and said hello to him then proceeded to order my cobb salad and lemonade freezy. As I told the lady that was all he stepped up told what he wanted and I scrunched up my face. Because who told him i'd pay for his food? I sure didn't offer. Then I noticed he pulled out a fifty dollar bill. "Okay then go ahead big money" I chuckled and thanked him. He guided me to a table as we waited for our food. "You didn't have to pay for my food but thank you " I looked at him directly in the eyes as I spoke to him. He smiled with them PERFECT teeth. Lawd he too fine😩! "Girl you're always my best friend no matter what and how long we were apart. I gotchu shawty" I laughed so hard because when did he start saying shawty? It sounded so foreign but oof he can keep saying it. I just smiled at him after not seeing him for so long it's crazy how much it feels like we're still so close and it's only been a few times we've seen each other since six years ago. We barely text and call but we'll probably be back how it used to be soon.
"Hey you wanna follow me to my house right quick and then ride with me for the day?" I looked up cause for a minute I forgot where I was for real. Knowing I shouldn't agree because we JUST got back to knowing each like two weeks ago I agreed..
Our order was called we got our food and I went to my car as he went to the fire black GWagon. with red and black rims! He pulled out like he was a gta driver or something like who gave this man his license? I followed him to this nice house that it took about 30 minutes to get to because it for sure wasn't in the Bronx. I went to snap and took a picture to swipe to the location to see where I was at and we were in Yonkerss! I haven't been in this city simply because I barely leave the Bronx. I go to college online til next semester. I pulled into his driveway and parked my car once I did so he opened my door my me and this pretty dark skin came outside looking upset.
Maysins POV
"You don't open MY door for me!" My girl Ryan whiny ass said. I mentally rolled my eyes because she wanna lie and cause a scene for what. Yora just looked at Ryan with awe meanwhile Ryan looked with an scowl. Aiyora stepped out of her little Nissan and went to Ryan. "Hii! I'm Aiyora, Mykel-Maysins best friend." Ryan just looked at her. "So when do you have best friends , mykel" she imitated the way Yora said my middle name. Knowing how hotheaded Yora can be I knew something was coming. "Look I mean no disrespect but i'm pretty sure he knew me before he met you. i'm respectful and all but you won't disrespect me in my face. I don't want Maysin, if that's your problem or concern whoever you may be you need to get a grip of yourself because i'm the LAST female you wanna upset for real" with that she walked off with a smile to where Rae was standing by the door smiling waiting for her food. Ryan stood by my side glaring at Yora's every move. I just hugged her and let her know who Yora was and that she was a sweetheart until wronged. I didn't know Ryan would be here because she has her own house and usually doesn't come to mines. I walked in my house and seen Ryan watching Yora eat her salad. "Are you on a diet or something?" Yora chuckled and shook her head. "I just enjoy this particular salad...if i was on a diet i wouldn't have a freezy"
Rae sensed how Ryan was acting and drug yora with her food into her room. I just talked to Ryan because being jealous was something she always does the minute a girl glanced at me she was ready to pounce. Sometimes it could be too much but I love my girl. An hour later a random number text me i completely forgot about my play. I yelled for Aiyora and she walked into the living room. I gave her my key to go to the truck and told her i'd be out there in a minute then i kissed Ryan's forehead and told her i'd text her.
Leaving out to see Yora hooked her bluetooth to my truck and was listening to SZA loud as hell so I know Ryan was mad because I don't even let her touch my radio. Just as I was thinking that I got a text to my phone.

    Ry ❤️
you real weird bru. how that bitch
can touch your radio and have it
blasting but i can't?
                                                Have I made it to my
                              vehicle Ryan? no and don't call
                                           her out her name.        
whatever bru you're blocked.
                                       coo. since i'm blocked you    
                                              can go home as well.
                                                                  not delivered
I got in the car and Yora turned down the music but still sung "it's just us against the world in this life of sinnn" looking me dead in my dead I smiled as she sung because she was so adorable. I rubbed my hand down my face and put the truck in reverse. I let her know that even though her music was bad I don't let my girl touch my radio so she can't either because it isn't fair to my girl if I allow her to do so and I don't really like people touching my things . She apologized and told me that she felt the weird energy coming off my girl and wondered why she was acting the way she was towards her. She did nothing wrong my girl just be acting territorial sometimes too territorial.  I played Micheal Jackson very low as we continued to drive to this park so this man can get his lil 3.5 from me and I can chill with my bestie to learn what's new bout her.

HEY ! Okay so excuse any errors ! I've changed ages and years around in the book and i don't know much about new york but work with me😂 let me know anything y'all think should be in the book and what celebrities you'd like to be in the book we have one already which will be revealed later on🤭with that being said bye bestiessss❣️

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