Ch:5 Is gambling legal?

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Your class 1st year hana class, you knock on the door to wait the teacher response. As you hear the male voice you open with full of confidence. "Ah, you must be the new student right?" The english teacher Kazui Hazama asked you gently and you nodded.

"Okay please introduce yourself."

"Greetings everyone I'm Y/n L/n, I hope we can be great friends and classmates, I am glad to feel the welcome to all of you." After introducing yourself, you bow at them respectively. You hear some gossip or whispered to each other especially the compliment they gave it to you. "This school is so unusual, why am I feeling like this by the way?" You speak yourself mentally. Kazui clears his throat to bring silence. "I hope you will treat him well, Mary I hope I don't bother you to make that transfer a tour for him." The teacher proposed her.

"No it doesn't bother me." Mary responds. He gives you a seat next to her. "Thanks Mary." You mumbled her. "No problem, I have some important details you have to memorise well." She mumbles you in warning tone. You are confused about her behaviour but you nod obediently.


"My? Something peak your interest Kirari?." A woman who has pupil cat eyes with long grey hair always a smirk plastered on her face. "Why you want him, you have your pet haven't you?" Kirari said boringly. "You too you have a toy, your secretary." The latter said mischievously. "You want challenge to have him?" Kirari glowed her eyes dangerously with a cocky tone.

"~Fufu~ if you think you can win, I will crush you." Said Sachiko.


"Woah! The place is soo beautiful!" You exclaimed with admiration like a child who first time see everything colourful. "You are like a brat first time they saw a paradise for their first time." She giggled. "Oh sorry, I just find it beautiful." You admit sheepishly. "About that Y/n there's something I need to tell you." She spoke in serious tone. "Tell me."

She sighed deeply showing you her stoic expression,"This school is traditionally ruled by gambling."

"Gambling? Is it legal?"

"Yes, it has been cultured because of that bitch Kirari Momobami, she won against the previous president not by election but by gambling. As she won, she creats a housepet system as a pyramid, high, middle and low caste. Low caste are the worst of the worst, because those people who are non-gambler, they received a mistreatment to their superiorities."

"I see devour or being devoured, it make us determined to achieve on top, this is interesting data she gave it to me but why she is so worried, at least that school is not that boring compared to shonen academy."

"Don't worry Mary, I will be mindful from this hellish school."

"You better be nerdy boy, as long as people will ask you to gamble avoid them as long as possible." She warns you.

You nodded at her and you hear the bell rang. "It's lunchtime, let's go!" She told you to follow her. "Why is she saying all of this anyway?" You spoke yourself. You have a bento, you have been prepared by yourself. "Hmm, this look good." She hums with satisfaction. "You want to try?" You asked her.

She nodded with small blush spread around of her cheeks. You used your chopsticks to pick up a rolled ham to give her to eat. "Delicious, did you make it?" She muffles her words because of the food. "Yep, I love homemade fo-"


Someone interrupted your conversation. "Tsuzura what's wrong?"

"The boys try to harass a female housepet!" She yelled with panic. Your eyes are widened including Mary and quickly check the victim's state. It revealed two boys block her arms to stop struggling and other mocking her about her helpless state.

"Hey!" You shouted at them to bring the attention. The boy looked at you with disgust," What do you want punk?" One of them cockingly spoke you. "Leave that girl alone.." You spat in venomous way. "Or else what nerd?" He touched touch your forehead with his to showoff his assertiveness to make you feel weak but you are not. "I will teach you a lesson with unpleasant way." You replied him. In return he laughed at you from your statement, "Listen kid, if you want to save her gamble with me." He protested you.

"Very well, if I win you leave that girl alone. Got it?" You make a deal. "Y/n I tol-" You give her a menacing glance to shut Mary's mouth. "Don't stand on my way Saotome." You warned her dangerously. "What the hell is that eyes?!" She didn't receive such goosebumps in her life, such feelings triggered her heart violently when she gazes your e/c eyes.

"Okay then let's go!" The bullier spoke with determination.

~The moment later~

"President! Kenzo Yamamoto gamble against the transfer student." Sayaka informed. The president smirk slightly putting her tea down, " I would like to see what that transfer student is capable of?"


"I am Kenzo Yamamoto, I hope you know how to play poker?" The bullier spoke. "Don't worry I know these rules." You reassured. Kendo called the victim next to Tsuzura. Something is slightly different from her, she has a rectangular metal tag around of her neck," What has been written 'kitten?' " You think yourself. You look at her face her eyes are pleading, desperately want to free herself from her master's submission.

"I see, she was force to serve him." You analysed through situation seeing the dealer shuffle the deck and give you one card each for the first round. "I have only the total value of 10, welp this is my unlucky day." You compose yourself from the heated situation you are facing. "When my fears are crawling in my minds, I shall not being dominated by this fear." You noted yourself.

"Alright I bet 10 chips!" Kenzo said confidently, "Oh? He bet 100,000 yen spectacular!" You are astounded. "I bet 25 chips." You spoke calmly. The dealer shows five cards, 7 diamonds, Jack of spade, 2 of clubs, 3 of hearts, and 7 of clubs. "Despite the dealer gives us an equal opportunity, it's no use for me to win this round, however- the cards were marked better find the tactics to trick him."

Hyakkaou Academy is cultured from gambling, gambling is everywhere, your fate is sealed base on luck mixed with skills. Take care of yourself "Dark Manipulator."

P.S ~author~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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