Reed Richards

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Y/N and Scarlett drive in silence, with Scarlett giving directions every few minutes. 

"So what's your name?"

"Why do you want to know my name?"

"Just trying to have a conversation."

"Sorry, the last woman I trusted broke my heart." She turns to look at him noticing how his face hardened when talking about this woman.

"Who was she?"

"That's a bit personal for strangers don't you think?"

"Sorry you're right."

Silence takes over them again as Y/N keeps driving. 

"So what do you do?" Y/N rolls his eyes.

"Why do you want to know so much about me?" 

"Well we have another hour in this car together so might as well talk."

"Or we could sit in silence."

"Okay Mr. Mysterious." Y/N sighs as Scarlett looks out the window. 

After a few minutes of driving an alarm rings out.

"Can you turn that off please?" 

"Sure where is your phone?" 

"In my pocket...." He looks shyly ahead. 

"But if you aren't comfortable with it we can just listen to it go off for the next hour." 

"I'm not listening to that annoying sound for an hour."

She reaches into his pocket grabbing something when she freezes.

"That is not my phone."

"Sorry." They both blush as she pulls his phone from his pocket turning off the alarm.

"Thanks." He says awkwardly.

"No problem."

He reaches over opening the glove compartment rooting around. 

"Where is it?" 

"What are you looking for?" 

"Nothing for you to worry about." 

"Just let me help you."

"Fine, there should be a bottle of pills." He puts his hand back on the steering wheel. 

She looks around before finding them. She hands him the bottle. 


"No problem."

He opens the bottle popping two pills into his mouth putting the bottle in the compartment again as he keeps driving. 

Scarlett wants to ask what the pills are for but she doesn't know him and it would be invading his personal space. 

"Can you stop staring at me?"


He shakes his head disapprovingly which she notices.


"You're a married woman yet here you are in my car staring at me. Every damn time." Y/N angrily hits the steering wheel. 

"He drove off with the car that is why I'm here and I'm staring because you are so cold."

Silence over takes them and they choose to not break it. They arrive in Scarlett's driveway and she gets out of the car. Y/N sighs getting out too.


She turns around to look at him. 


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"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted that way, it was a dick move." She looks into his apologetic eyes. 

"I'm sorry too, I was a bitch."

"You were-"


"You didn't let me finish, you were but it was justified."

"It was." He chuckles and starts walking back to his car.

"Thanks for the ride."

"No problem...Scarlett." He gets into his car with a smirk driving off.

"Dick." She smiles to herself walking into her home. 

A few days later and the cast are back on set of Avengers Age of Ultron. They are getting a new cast member who will be playing Reed Richards since Miles Teller did not want to return to play his MCU character. They are all chatting sharing ideas of who could be playing Reed Richards.

"Most fans want this actor Y/N Fisher to play him, he's a popular fancast." Lizzie tells them.

"Who is he?" 

"He is an actor, he looks really similar to the guy that saved Colin a few days ago." Evans says. 

"Imagine if that guy actually was him." Robert says.

"Scarlett would be reunited with her true love." Jeremy teases making Scarlett push him.

"Shut up."

"The actor playing Reed is almost here, he's running late something came up." 

"Who is it Kevin?"

"Not telling Hemsworth." Kevin walks off. 

A few minutes later a bike arrives on set. The owner climbs off and walks towards Kevin, the cast watching. Unfortunately as he takes off the helmet his back is turned to them. They walk off to get him fitted for costumes and get his hair and makeup done. 

The actor walks out in a robe with Kevin in front of him telling him about the scenes they are filming. Kevin walks off revealing that the actor is indeed Y/N Fisher.

"Damn I was right they got the fancast."

"The resemblance to cliff hero boy is uncanny." Jeremy says. 

"Hey." Y/N says after he walks over to them.

"Why are you in a robe?"

"Reed is in just boxers in the first scene, I'm not walking in the cold till I have to."

"Alright let's take it from the Avengers in the lab after Ultron leaves after Steve says we'll do that together too."

Everyone gets into their places, Y/N standing off to the side. 

"Thor's right. Ultron's calling us out. And I'd like to find him before he's ready for us. The world's a big place. Let's start making it smaller."

Everyone begins to head out.

"Stark, Romanoff." They turn around walking back into the lab.

"We're going to need all the help we can get."

"No Steve no you know I can't stand him."

"He's the only person who can help."

"Steve he's been through enough."

"Both of you go to the Baxter Building and find him. That's an order." Steve walks off as the other two sigh. 

"Cut! Let's head to the Baxter Building scene."

Everyone gets to their positions, Y/N handing his robe to one of the staff.

"I hate that we have to ask him." Tony rings the bell of the Baxter Building.

"State your name and business." 

"Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark, we're here to see Mr. Richards."

"Be nice Tony." The door opens and they get in the lift. 

"Floor 27." 

They get out of the lift to see Reed Richards on the couch in his boxers drinking a beer. 

"Reed." He looks towards the lift and scoffs.

"What do you two want?"

"We need your help we-" Nat looks at him. "Bruce and I created a murder bot."

"What does that have to do with me?"

"You're the smartest man alive Reed." 

"This sounds like Tony Stark's ego got him in trouble again and everyone has to clean up his mess."

"We get you're mad-"

"I'M MORE THAN MAD, I'M PISSED." He throws the empty bottle in the bin and grips the counter. 

"You people make a mistake and you come to us. The Tesseract ends up in an evil God's hands you come to us for help, Johnny and Ben die. Hydra is working in SHIELD you come to me and my wife for help, Susan dies. You create a murder bot and you stand here asking for my help when I have lost everything because of helping the Avengers. I won't, now leave."

"I mean what else can you lose." Tony says.

Reed stretches his arm grabbing Tony's neck. 

"You are not welcome in the Baxter Building, get out." He throws Tony into the lift.

"Nat are you coming?" 

"I'll be down in a minute." She responds still looking at Reed.

Tony leaves and Nat puts her hand on Reed's cheek. 

"Susan would hate to see you like this, she wouldn't want this for you."

"And what do you think she would want for me?" She puts her hand on his chest.

"Move on." They stare into each other's eyes with a look of longingly.

"You can show yourself out Romanoff, you remember the way out." He walks off leaving her as she looks down before walking to the lift and leaving. 

"Cut! That was amazing, Y/N and Scarlett you really showed the tension and love between Nat and Reed. Great work. That's all for today everyone see you tomorrow."

The person that Y/N gave the robe, hands him the robe back and he walks off to the changing room. The others are talking about him.

"He's really good, when he got mad I felt terrified." Robert admits.

"He really makes you feel sorry for the character unlike when Miles did it." 

(No hate to Miles)

"I can't wait for our scenes together, he seems amazing to work with. Don't you agree Scar?"


Scarlett is zoned out thinking about the feeling of his chest, how she really wanted to kiss him and knew he wanted to kiss her too.

"Scar?" Jeremy clicks his fingers in her face.


"What you thinking about?" Hemsworth asks with a smirk.

"See you tomorrow guys, it was good seeing you again." Y/N says as he walks over.


"The lake, I saved Scarlett's husband. Anyway I have to go, see ya."

After Y/N walks off, Jeremy excitedly smacks Aaron. 


"He isn't my lover."

"I was right though he is the same guy." Robert says smugly.

"I just want to know why he never said his name or that he's an actor." Scarlett whispers to Lizzie. 

"Maybe he wanted to surprise you?" 

"He is making everything complicated."

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