King Eldwin is now soberer than he has ever been as he found the one-in-a-million opportunity, one he had never thought he would wish for. He dismisses the young ladies, not before kissing their cheeks and whispering sweet—but repugnant words— as Ashryn thought. He positions himself straight on his throne, resting his arms on the sets and looking directly at the Diamond queen and his son.
"I was never fond of the Silvers," Eldwin starts with a calm voice, "My father told me what they did to him, and I could not respect them anymore,"
Ashryn lifts a brow, "What happened to your father, if I may ask?"
Eldwin hesitates for a moment before he replies, "He was in love with a Silver woman,"
Ashryn looks at Erdan, who seems not to have heard of his story before.
"My father was still a prince, then," Eldwin continues, "Young and full of energy. He used to travel a lot, and one day, he met a beautiful lady in the Silver capital. He had no idea that she was a princess—Ehrendil's aunt," he pauses to take a breath.
"They kept meeting every month at the same place and got to know each other, and one day, they fell in love," he says, making sure to pronounce the word love with a bitter voice, as it is the most hateful thing he has ever talked about.
"When her brother, the king, knew of her secret meetings with my father, he forbid her from leaving the palace. Back then, the Silvers were rich, more than Sapphire, as they used to sell silver to all kingdoms to make jewellery and cutlery. They were arrogant and only befriended their own kin,"
Ashryn scoffs, "Like the Sapphires now," she says, and Erdan hides his smile by lowering his head.
King Eldwin ignores her and keeps talking, "My father went to their palace plenty of times to ask for her, but the king never welcomed him inside. He sent him away every time despite his honest feelings for the princess,"
Ashryn gulps as she sees the sad look on Eldwin's face—one she has never seen before. Erdan is as surprised as her and keeps looking at his father with confusion as if he is a stranger.
"My grandfather died, and my father became King of Sapphire," Eldwin's voice is now louder, "The Silver king hears the news and encourages his sister to visit Sapphire," he laughs, shaking his head in disbelief, "He refused the prince but threw his sister to the king,"
Ashryn presses her lips tight and shares a sad look with Erdan. It is nothing new to them. Some people are greedy. They desire more and keep asking for more.
"I suppose your father refused them," Ashryn says, and Eldwin nods, "Naturally!" he exclaims, "How could he be involved with a family who only wanted his power?"
"I understand," Ashryn nods, "But I don't believe it's reason enough to hate the Silvers. Yes, Ehrendil's father was selfish, but it doesn't mean that his son and grandson are."
"No, you do not understand, Queen Ashryn," Eldwin mutters, "When Sapphire was only but a growing kingdom, the Silvers ignored it, all of them. They
mocked travellers and merchants refused to work with them," The image of the Silvers insulting Erdan when they visited for the first time surges in Ashryn's mind.
"My father never forgot the heartbreak they caused him, and he offered his blood, sweat and tears to rebuild the kingdom and make it one day the Great Sapphire," he looks at Erdan, "We hate the Silvers because they ignored us when we were in crisis and came running to our arms when we had abundance and influence,"
Erdan looks down and takes a shaky breath as he tries his hardest to feel compassion for his father, but he fails. Eldwin's words have no excuse for the abuse he went through since he was a child. His father forced him to read all books, master every weapon, and distance himself from other people. A love story between his grandfather and the Silver princess does not explain the wound in his heart.
"What about the Diamonds then?" Ashryn asks, "Why do you hate us? Perhaps it's another love story?" she lifts a brow, scoffing, "Was your grandfather or your great-grandfather in love with a Diamond?" she asks, and her laughter fades at the silence reigning around the room. Eldwin looks away, gulping, not daring to say another word.
"Goodness," Ashryn whispers before she takes a deep breath. She was about to say something when Eldwin cuts her, "Now, let us talk about our deal," his voice sounds more confident, "I may not like the Silvers, but if you offer something, I might consider it. After all, greediness does not make people weak,"
"I doubt it," Ashryn shrugs, "So, what do you want from me?" she asks,
feeling her heart pounding loud as she feared the worst.
"You said you could offer me diamonds," Eldwin says, and Ashryn nods. "I do need them to strengthen the original's power, but who says when you will stop sending them?" he rubs his chin, "You may send me your stones today, and stop tomorrow. I can not risk that,"
Ashryn frowns, "What do you suggest then?"
Eldwin looks at her for a long moment, without leaving her curious bright eyes, then he smirks and answers, "An alliance,"
Erdan, who understands right away what he means, widens his eyes and mutters, "Father," but the king ignores him.
"An alliance?" Ashryn scoffs, "Isn't it what I suggested earlier today and a few months ago?" she lifts a brow, "You refused to join our powers, and now you're asking for it?"
Eldwin laughs, "Joining powers and joining kingdoms are two different matters," he says calmly, "An alliance between two kingdoms never breaks—not easily, at least,"
"Father, please," Erdan's voice sounds shaky, which makes Ashryn confused about what the king is asking from her.
She gulps and looks away for a moment before she faces Eldwin again and furrows, "What do you want, then?"
"The best way to secure a union is by marriage," Eldwin replies, making her widen her eyes, "I, the king, cannot marry you, of course, but you can marry my son,"
Erdan shuts his eyes tight and lowers his eyes, swallowing hard. His body trembles, and he does not dare look to his left where the queen is standing.
"I see," she whispers, and Erdan hurries to hold both her wrists and make her face him, "You do not have to, Your Majesty," he tells her, "We can find another way to get the Original,"
One glance at his blue eyes told her she could trust the prince with her life. There was a coldness in the deep of their colour, yet they carried warmth and gentleness.
"We will find a way, Your Majesty," Erdan whispers again, but his voice sounds like a piece of background music in her ears as she looks at him. A feeling she fails to describe haunts her as his fingers press lightly around her wrists, and as she plunges into his ocean-blue eyes.
Ashryn gasps and escapes from his grip to face the king. "Is it the only thing you desire? An alliance?" she asks.
"Indeed," Eldwin looks at her with confusion as he expected her to refuse right
away and leave the palace. He never pictured her hesitation nor the unsure look on her face.
"Well, then," Ashryn straightens her back and takes a deep breath before she faces Erdan and gulps, "I, Ashryn, daughter of Aywin and Kilyn, Queen of Diamond and Head of the Stoneline, ask you, Erdan, son of Eldwin and Eliyen, Crown Prince of Sapphire, for your hand, your heart, and your soul for marriage,"
Erdan widens his eyes, and his mouth slightly opens as he tries to process her words. The Queen of Diamond, the little girl he admired for years and longed to see, is now asking him to marry her. He should refuse, of course, as he knows she has no feelings for him. She is doing this for his father, for the Silvers, for Nesterin. But his mind discards this idea and replaces it with the fantasy of having Ashryn as his spouse.
"You can refuse, Erdan," she whispers to him, "I would never force you," she shakes her head. But before she changes her mind, Erdan hurries to hold her hands and move closer, "I, Erdan, Prince of Sapphire, will be honoured and give mind, heart, and soul as your husband."
We have a royal wedding to plan! 👑

FantasyThe Great Dark War left six kingdoms in chaos and despair. King Màvros took advantage of their weakness to raise the Black Stone Army and occupy their lands. As a consequence of a curse, Ash and her friends learn after fifteen years of their royal o...