Summary: California feels like a life away when you're desperate for the one that makes you feel safe.
"Nope," Evelyn said immediately as you rounded the corner of the front desk of the book store. Your eyes followed the postman as he walked away. "Nothing for you. Sorry Y/n." Evey was surprisingly sympathetic for once, her face drawn in a frown.
"It's been almost two weeks," you said, exhaling frustratedly as you leaned against the countertop.
"He's working...probably very busy," Evey defended. She was right. You just struggled to use logic when it came to Elvis. You had feelings for him, and it clogged your judgment, though you'd never admit it. You sighed deeply again.
"I know. I just miss him."
"If you've got time to lean, you've got time to–"
"Clean," You finished Uncle Harold's sentence as he squared the corner with a new shipment of steno pads and office supplies. "Evelyn, honey. Please put these up. Now you won't have to write on the back of the old ones," he said. He'd gotten behind on orders and you'd had to write down book transactions on the back of used steno notes. It wasn't efficient, but it was better than nothing.
"Thank you, Daddy." Evey took the supplies and began to open them.
"Y/n, Baby. Can you please help me balance the books today? The numbers keep coming out different every time I count. You always do it better than me." You nodded.
"Throw in a Nehi?" You asked with an expectant grin. Uncle Harold threw a hand into his pocket to retrieve a nickel, tossing it to you.
"Don't spend it all in one place." He winked at you before stepping away.
"Veronica asked about you. Asked why you haven't returned her calls." Evelyn said, organizing the office supplies. She chewed on a piece of gum especially loudly, smacking her lips. You sighed.
"I've been a bit..."
"Distracted?" Evelyn finished your sentence, eyeing you levely.
"Understandably, I think," You defended, joining her to put up the shipment of supplies. "I don't know how to tell her about Elvis." You spoke honestly. Veronica was a good friend, but she was definitely a talker, and always had new gossip to spill every time you got together. Something warned you to stay quiet, and your version of that was to distance yourself from her.
"That's true. Veronica is one of the most popular girls in school. She talks." It wasn't intentional for her to spread rumors–it was what happened after she told others that would create drama. She was one year younger than you, in her senior year of highschool. She was tall, slender and beautiful. Most likely, she'd gush over the newest football player she was going steady with.
"I caught her outside of Piggly-Wiggly on Thursday. She asked about you–that she hadn't seen or heard from you in a while." You felt guilty, and since you couldn't occupy your time with Elvis, you decided to create a new opportunity.
"Do you remember when we would do our sleepovers with her and Sandra?" You asked with a soft smile.
"Yes. But that was a long time ago...I can't imagine that would be much fun anymore," Evelyn said, turning to watch you.
"You underestimate me, Evey."
"Veronica?" You asked through the phone, having dialed your friend from your uncle's office.
"Hello? Y/n?" The voice said over the phone. It was Adam, Veronica's older brother.
"Adam? I thought you were at University."
"I was, but uh..." He paused. "Let's just say I got a bit distracted. Gotta restart in the fall."
"Oh. Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Is Ronnie around?" You asked.
"So quick to get off the phone with me, Y/n? It's been too long."
Adam always made you uncomfortable. The way that he always spoke to you and looked at you made you feel small, like a mouse in the eye of a cat. You decided to take the passive route.
"It has been! I'm just seeing if she'd like to have a sleepover with Evey and I. I feel like I haven't seen you guys in ages."
"Mm," He hummed, his voice turning upward with interest. "A sleepover?" He asked, as if he hadn't heard you the first time.
"Yep, like old times." You answered.
"I like the sound of that...." He continued before an extended moment of silence. "Well, let me go grab her."
"Thanks," You responded dryly. You listened to the background noise of their house as he shouted Veronica's name. Another moment passed before you heard the receiver pick up.
"Who's that?" Evelyn asked, walking into the office.
"Ronnie," You whispered.
"Hello?" She asked softly.
"Ronnie! It's Y/n. How are you? How's school?" You asked. You nervously picked at the hem of your dress as you waited for her to answer.
"Y/n? It's been ages! I'm well! School's school. You know how all that goes." She spoke with a peppy tone. "What have you been up to lately? I haven't heard from you in a while." It wasn't her intention to guilt you, though you still felt it pinch at your gut.
"Oh, well you know. The bookshop has been busy..." You began before getting cut off by Evelyn snatching the phone. "Hey!" You yelped.
"You will not believe this!" Evelyn began. You glared at her as ferociously as you could.
"Don't. You. Dare." You spoke in a low tone so that Ronnie couldn't hear you speak. Evelyn cowered slightly.
"Y/n has a beau." She said plainly. You prayed to God that she wouldn't say who it was.
"Oh really? That's wonderful!" Ronnie said into the receiver. "How did you guys meet?" She asked.
"Here," Evelyn said to you, handing over the phone.
"Sorry, Ronnie. Evey stole the phone from me." You apologized. "It's a long story. Hey," You changed the subject. "Remember when we would do those sleepovers with Sandra?"
"Of course I do. Remember when I broke my leg chasing Darcy over the back porch?" You couldn't help but laugh, remembering Ronnie's now long-passed cat, who was always unintentionally starting chaos.
"I do," you chuckled. "So I was thinking maybe we could do a sleepover like old times. I know that Sandra's in Texas now, but you could come over if you're up for it."
"Well, I've got some big tests coming up this week, but the end of the week should be fine. Friday night, maybe?" She asked. To be honest, you were surprised she was so willing, especially with such short notice.
"I'd love that!" You answered.
"We could catch up on Gunsmoke." It was a show that you loved to watch when you all went to school. You'd meet during lunch hour and go and on about James Arness and his run as a U.S. Marshall in the wild, Wild West–not to mention the cast of A-list celebrities that supported the show.
"I haven't watched that in forever," You admitted hesitantly.
"All the more reason for us to watch reruns. You know each new episode is something new anyway. Oh! I almost forgot–we just installed a new in-ground pool. You guys should come to my house instead. We can go swimming!" Ronnie explained.