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Chapter 51: Picking up stones

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At the foot of the mountain, in the corner of the wild flowers, there is a long and thin meandering river flowing slowly.

The cubs go in and play.

If it wasn't for Jingman to find the best corner for sketching, he wouldn't have found this place that most people didn't pay attention to.

Xiao Shuizhizhi and Xiaoshang, these three have their own racial talents, there is no need to worry about the drowning cubs first slowly stepping into the pool under the watchful eyes of Jingman and Mu Cangzhou.

As an aquarium cub, the waters that Little Water Medusa stepped into were not a hundred or fifty.

But no river's water can give him the feeling of carefree, back to nature like this river today.

After stepping in with her feet, she felt the greasy and cold pebbles under her feet.

The body is slowly soaked, relaxed and free, and the feeling of gentleness and openness is getting deeper and deeper.

The two stones looked ordinary at first glance, but after looking at them carefully, you will find that they are very transparent and have the same texture as jade.

Xiao Sang held the stone and refused to let go, went back to the shore and sat down, and gently sharpened her hands on the jade again and again.

Jingman noticed his strangeness and came over and asked, "Xiaoshou, what is that in your hand? Don't pick up things at the bottom of the water."

He held up the stone to show Jingman: "Dad, there is something in the stone."

Jing Man snorted, crouched down and took the two stones that had entered his son's eyes with interest.

One is an ellipse, and the other is an equilateral triangle.

There seem to be thin green lines in the ellipse, and the lines are wound around each other to form a tree. There is a red spot in the other piece, like a whole blood drop.

"Really!" Jing Man was very surprised, he asked: "Xiao Sang, did you feel them as soon as you entered the water?"

Xiao Sang hummed and nodded, his eyes still on the stone. The corners of the left mouth seemed to be struggling whether to urge Dad, he wanted to take these two stones back.

Jingman did not receive his son's message, and held a stone in his hand.

He carefully searched for memory in his mind. He remembered that he had seen similar legends when he was trying to supplement the knowledge of the cub.

A long, long time ago, when people were still drinking blood, the relationship between all ethnic groups was not as harmonious as it is now.

Because there are many differences in living habits, frictions occur from time to time in various ethnic groups and regions. Swords, spears, swords, and halberds, they have to be taken out from time to time to grind away the rust.

Being in a state of being in a state of being a soldier for a long time, the five senses of human beings at that time were much sharper than those in peaceful times, and they often felt that some new things appeared in life.

An orc saint was born, and the sky was full of colorful clouds for three days.

When the saint was young, he sank to the bottom of the water for nearly half an hour and did not emerge.

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