Brent's mom told me to go relax with "the big kids"
Everyone started to sniff the air, as if it were a bakery. My face started to feel hot, and I began blushing. They shrugged it off.
After about an hour of watching a horror movie, I had to use the bathroom. When I got up, I asked where the bathroom was.
"It's right across the hall, you'll see it." Brent said, very casually.
I walked across the hall, but didn't see the bathroom, so I asked Brent's mom where it was.
"Oh honey, you know exactly where it is! It's attached to you silly!" She said a bit too loud. I told her I wasn't a baby, but she didn't want to hear it.
"Go, if you have to, go." She told me sternly.
She obviously wouldn't let me use the toilet, so I did what I had to do.
"Okay, I went." I mumbled angrily, as she stuck her finger down my diaper. She brought me to her bedroom, and layed me down on her bed.
"Mom-" I heard Emelia, Brent's big sister say.
"I'm busy." Said Brent's mom, unfazed, as Emelia walked away giggling.
"Oh I'm sorry!! Your pants are soaked bubba! You must've leaked!!" She said. I started to cry, knowing I didn't have any dry pants right now.
"B-But! I need pants!!!" I said to her, angrily. She ran out of the room, and had Emelia come change me, and put a pair of HER shorts on me.
"Sorry." She whispered.

The sleepover
RandomBryan is invited to his crushes sleepover, but he knows his crush doesn't like him back...