A First Date

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"Are you ready to eat?" A voice from behind them calls out. They turn, looking over their shoulders and are met with woman wearing what looks like a hostess uniform from a high end restaurant. Soo Ah is surprised by her but Yoongi nods and pulls her by the hand toward the woman.

"We can finish trying on clothes after," he tells her and she looks apologetically at the row of sales assistants and their bowed heads as he pulls her along. She knows they're open to service Yoongi and now they will have to wait for him to eat before they can carry on with their work. Yoongi seems unfazed by this, as though it's expected. He pulls her through a doorway that leads out to a small balcony overlooking the buildings surrounding them.

A table is set for two and serving dishes are nearby on a rolling cart. The chill of the air surprises her, and she can see the sun setting over the buildings in the distance. The hostess waits for them to sit and she places a napkin on each of their laps and as she turns to pour them a glass of wine, Soo Ah leans in to whisper to Yoongi.

"Did you plan this?" she asks, marveling at the table setting. He shakes his head.

"No, they must just really like you," he teases her. "Maybe it isn't just my Eomma," he references their talk the night before. She laughs, unsure if he's really teasing. It's possible they go to all this trouble for him, without being asked, or he might have arranged this.  He holds up his glass to toast hers. He touches his glass to hers and looks into her eyes carefully as he does, making sure she focuses on him. He smirks a little as though he has more surprises planned. She drinks down the alcohol, feeling a punch to her system.

"Is this our first date?" she blushes as she says the words.

"You don't count that lavish meal I made you as our first date?!" He tsks at her, feigning disappointment.

"I might have, if you'd made all the food yourself," she smirks as she reminds him.

"Then that means last night was our first date, when you made me dinner." They look over the food as it's placed in front of them.

"But that was a late night snack remember. I think this is the official first date," she declares, determined.

"Ok, for the record, our first date was dinner at a fancy roof top terrace." He takes a mouthful of food. "Just don't get anything on that dress, I haven't paid for it yet." She giggles at his joke but she carefully lifts the food into her mouth, so relieved to be eating.

They sit in silence as they fill themselves with the delicious food on offer. It makes her feel better, more comfortable, almost immediately. Sitting in this beautiful private space, wearing a gorgeous dress, and having a meal with Min Yoongi is definitely something out of a fairytale. She feels like a princess.

He reaches across to take several items off her plate to try them without asking for permission and she smiles, thinking it shows he's already comfortable with her. He told her the more time they spent together the more comfortable it would feel. But he seems to be doing everything he can to make her feel special today. He's very different from the man who forgot she was in the apartment and spent all day locked away in his studio. She pushes the thoughts out of her mind, thinking this might be his way of making it up to her, of making sure she knows he's focused on her. With each bite she feels more energy and strength return to her.

"Yoongiya, it feels like the tour is coming up very soon." He nods as he reaches over to take more food from her plate. "I'm worried I don't know enough yet, about you," she says softly, embarrassed. He looks up at her and shrugs.

"Ask me anything? I'll tell you whatever you want to know. You have a whole list." He gulps the last of his drink, maybe for courage.

"Oh I don't have the list!" she says realizing that her journal is on the table in his living room.

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