Chapter 1 | A Little Smile Is All It Takes

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Standing on the curb gets boring and fast. My old and worn down clothes were too much for my little body to stand much longer in the normal Arizona heat. But,I had to stand and hold up a bit longer.I held my sign up and waited for someone to stop in front of me. It's been a while since I had a drink of water, I thought as a dark gray Toyota pulled up to a stop beside me. A Filipino woman opened the passenger door,"Are you lost, sweetie?" I shook my head no as I looked at her,"I have no home to go to." The lady gave me a look of pity and turned to the driver,must've been her husband or boyfriend,"Terence,he has no home. We have to help him." The white male sighed and gave the lady an OK as a response to her demands. She then looked back at me and smiled,"Climb on in, sweetie,we'll take you to your new home." I was sad to go, but I had to,I had to put on my fake smile and join them in their car. The drive to their house was awkward and sometimes too much to bear. The Filipino turned around in her seat and introduced her and her partner,"Sorry for not properly introducing myself,I'm Melanie, and this is my boyfriend, Terence. What's your name? '' She said with a smile. I waved my tiny hand,"My name is Ryan." Melanie looked very happy and excited to have a new person to talk to. Terence, on the other hand, didn't look too happy. I don't blame him, though. Your girlfriend is just deciding to get a strange and filthy kid off of the street. Then again, I'd do the same thing if I saw a homeless child. But that's what makes my job even harder. They think a child without a home is the most harmless thing,so they take them home,give them a bath and food and then the next day they've disappeared and so have a couple of their most valuable possessions. That was my job. I have the "honor" to bring home things for my aunt to sell off.

Once we got to their house, Melanie drew me a bath and went to the kitchen to fix me something to eat. The cool water felt nice on my skin. The shampoo and conditioner smelled like a sweet caramel apple. When I was finished, I dried myself off and drained the tub. Now I need my clothes, "miss,do you know where my clothes are." I shouted politely for Melanie to hear,"I put them in the washer so they could be cleaned." Meaning I have to stand wrapped up in their towel in their bathroom. After a while of waiting, I heard a light knocking on the door," Hey sweetie, I brought you your clean clothes and food is on the table for you." I felt a smile creep on my face as I looked at the clothes that once had been messy looking cleaner than ever. She already got attached, this makes my job even harder, I thought as my smile disappeared from my small little face.

I sat down where Melanie put the plate of food. On the plate were mashed potatoes, green beans, and macaroni. I picked up the spoon that was to the left and scooped up some macaroni. The cream of the cheese instantly melted in my mouth as I slowly started to chew the noodle," Is it good?" Melanie asked with an excited expression and tone. I nod my head as I scarf down the rest of the food. When I finished, I hopped down from the chair and put the spoon and plate in the washer. I turned around to face Melanie and looked at her.I don't want to take their things. But if I go back to that hell hole of a rundown apartment to my aunt empty-handed, then a certain little boy will not see the end of it. Aunt Julia was always mean to my mother and I. She would abuse us mentally and physically, sending my mother into a depression. After some time, my mother couldn't take any more of her sister's abuse, and she took her own life by drowning in the lake. The lake in front of where we used to live before we got kicked out.

My eyes filled with tears, and soon enough, a stream was made. Melanie walked up to me and crouched to my level," What's wrong, sweetie?" She asked as she took a napkin and wiped my teary eyes. My job is what's wrong. My aunt is wrong. THIS IS ALL WRONG!.. But I have to do this. I don't want to end up like Christopher. The sight of Aunt Julia crouched over Christopher flashes into my head. Her words she spoke that day still haunt me,"Ryan... This is what happens to people who disobey me." Aunt Julia stood up and turned to look at me,"do you want to end up like your brother." I shook my head no as I wept for the only one who has ever really taken care of me since mom's death. I started to calm down and tell Melanie the reason why I cried was because I saw a spider and I'm afraid of the things. The first thing I told her was true, I am deathly afraid of spiders. She smiled and picked me up,"Don't worry, Terence, and I will catch all the spiders for you." I smiled and hugged her. Her hair smelled nice, like a fresh cinnamon roll straight out of the oven. The day wasn't over yet, Melanie put on a movie for us to watch, and Terence started to ease up a bit. The movie was a Disney movie, and the female protagonist fights in her father's place to save her home from invading murderers, the first ever Disney movie I've ever watched. My eyes were glued to the screen as I watched the young girl go from building to building to meet the matchmaker. I smiled at the funny characters and moments that occurred on screen,"Diss-honor." The little dragon would yell. I liked this. I liked feeling like a normal kid. My eyes felt tired, and I drifted off into sleep with a dream of being a normal family on my mind. 

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