28. Sleuther

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Author's Note

So sorry for the extremely short chapter, I just really had no clue what to write for this episode, but I felt like it needed to be included anyway.

The next chapter will be longer, I promise!

---reading starts here---


Lesson learned; never let Snotlout and Hiccup go alone on a mission ever again.

When Snotlout came barging back on the Edge, rambling about how Hiccup was in danger, the entire group had flown with him. But when they arrived in the caves... it was empty.

"What, what? They're gone! They were right here, I swear! Back me up, Hookfang!" Snotlout spouted in genuine fear.

Sigrid frowned as she studied the cave, whilst Tuffnut bullied Snotlout with threats of possibly being killed by either her or her father, which really wasn't helping. She might actually kill Snotlout if they wouldn't find her brother soon, but it turns out she could use that energy elsewhere.

This was the Dragon Hunters' doing, and Sigrid was ready to bash some heads in. At least, if Thorston and Thorston - Sleuth's Extraordinaire - would allow her to. In her frustration, she decided that it would be faster to just find another hunter.

So she did, and she didn't even have to raise her axe at his throat for him to babble about everything he knew like a toddler telling their entire family's secrets.

Finally, her father's genes seemed to have worked in her favor, as the sight of her flaming locks was enough for hunters to start sweating. She was really starting to enjoy it.

"Dragon fights? I can't believe it!" Sigrid spouted in anger, as their dragons soared through the sky. "I'm going to kill every last one of those monsters!"

Whilst Astrid agreed with her statement, she was a bit worried about her rageful emotions. "Okay, okay, deep breaths."

"No, I agree with Sigrid." Fishlegs growled. "Forcing dragons to fight each other is inhumane!"

Heather frowned. "And people will go nuts when they find out it's a Nightfury that's fighting."

"Why are we even discussing this? Hiccup and Toothless need us. Ergo, we go. As in, dragons blazin'." Snotlout stated.

For once, Sigrid agreed with him. Yeah, she probably wouldn't of made the best Chief, in hindsight.

"We can't do that, Snotlout." Heather argued. "You saw that chain dome, there's no way we can get in there."

Sigrid sighed. "So what will we do?"

"We'll use our superior sleuthing skills." Tuffnut smirked.

Fishlegs wasn't so convinced. "Uh... no offense, but your sleuthing skills have not gotten us very far."

"Don't worry, Fishlegs. Remember, we're masters of infiltration." Tuffnut assured, before he and his twin flew off to prove themselves right.

They better be right, or Sigrid would kill them herself.


Well... it hadn't gone exactly to plan, but the positive thing was; they were in.

Sigrid's adrenaline was running through her veins, in a rage she'd never felt before. They had taken her brother and his dragon by force, and if they weren't fast enough they could risk Toothless' life, or another poor dragon's. She couldn't believe how many vikings were cheering around that arena, and it made her sick.

With Heather and Astrid by her side, they ran with their axe's raised, kicking Dragon Hunter butts all around. But in her anger, Sigrid couldn't even enjoy the satisfying sounds of the sharp metal cutting through the air.

After almost killing Hunter after Hunter, they'd finally gotten to Hiccup.

"Sigrid!" Her brother called out as her muscled figure bursted through the metal door, before greeting the other women alongside her.

Grasping her brother in a tight hug, Hiccup almost couldn't breathe.

"Thank Thor you're okay!" Sigrid almost cried.

Hiccup patted her back. "I'm fine, but it's Toothless I'm worried about. "

And he had every right to be. From Hiccup's cage they could hear Toothless' snarl in wild anger, much like the fury Sigrid had before finding her brother.

Meanwhile, Windshear freed her fellow Razorwhip from entrapment, and they got ready to strike. To their greatest luck, Toothless had mercy on the poor Triple Stryke in front of him on the ground, and now they waited on Hiccup's mark.

The second they saw Ryker enter through the arena's entrance, Hiccup let the dragon's lose. Standing with his dragon whilst Sigrid ran to check on the Triple Stryke, Electrode guarding the two of them from danger. The poor thing was exhausted, and whilst it seemed uncertain of her gentle touch, he allowed it, before purring in her soft palm.

Oh my Thor, what a sweetheart.

Turns out, even when presented with his freedom, the dragon didn't want to leave. It was sad, but logical. He'd been in captivity for so long, that he had no clue what to do. Sigrid could relate to it somewhat, being stuck in a fated scenario only for it to flip on its head completely, leaving you with nothing.

Sigrid chuckled as she watched the Triple Stryke circle through the air. He seemed like he was having a good time.

The twins decided to name him Sleuther, which, in her opinion, fit him rather well.

"Well, Sleuther, welcome to the team." She chuckled, as she dragon cooed in delight.

Sleuther floated above her, turning upside down, before sticking his tongue out. Prompting Electrode to, questionably, do the same.

Sigrid laughed, what a goofy thing. He'd love it on Dragon's Edge, she was sure of it. And they would be delighted to have him.

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