~O.O.C pt 2~

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5 months later...

I've been seriously depressed since Li and the girls left. I try to hide it from Ti, but I know she can see it. So she's trying to cheer me up today by taking me out somewhere. Come on baby you gotta cheer up. She said as we got in the car. I am fine Ti. No you aren't and I can see it. Where are you taking me anyway? Somewhere fun, but first we gotta stop and get something okay. Fine Ti! We pull up to Li's mom's house. What are we doing here? I said. I gotta get your surprise she said getting out the car.

She went in the house came back out 10 mins later with Lo and Vi. I jumped out the car as they ran to me...Mommy! My babies I said looking at them. I hadn't seen them in 5 months since Li moved out and come to think of it I hadn't heard from her either. Come on babies get in the car I said opening the door to put them in their car seats. Finally, I am seeing that beautiful smile again Ti said kissing my cheek. Thank you baby, this really made my day. I know it did, that's why I did it. Get in the car so we can go.

We spent the whole day with them until it was time to take them back to their grandmother's house. When we got there seem like everyone in the freaking county was there. What's going on we said bringing the girls in? I'll take them and put them in the bed Rai said taking the girls from Ti and I. Okay wait. i gave them kisses and told them I love them .

Yall may want to sit down Ron, said. Why we need to sit down? What's the matter something happen to Li? Ti said looking worried. We don't know where she is? You don't know where who is? I said looking at them. Lisa! She left 2 weeks ago, she said she was going to meet yall in LA for that press conference and she hasn't been back since. I looked at Ti. She didn't tell me Li had missed the press conference. We've tried to page her and everything but no response or anything. We're starting to put out missing person alerts for her. I couldn't believe it! I just stood there and stared at them till the room went dark.

Next thing I know I was on the floor and Ti was patting my face. Come on Baby open your eyes, she was saying. Ti I had the craziest dream I said coming too as they helped me up. I dreamed they said Li was missing. Jay, that wasn't a dream, she is missing. Why didn't you tell me Ti? I didn't want to make things worse for you. You're already depressed about her leaving and stuff, this would have made things worse. Ti, can you take me home please? Yeah sure let me just kiss the girls first and we can go. I'll be in the car. Thanks for letting me know Ron I said giving him a hug. Jay you know you can come get the girls anytime, we aren't trying to keep them from you. Thanks Ron, I'll be back to get them in a few days.

I wasn't in the mindset to talk to Ti at this moment cause of some other stuff I had seen before we left the house. So the car ride home was silent. When we pulled up in the drive way I finally broke the silence. So when were you going to tell me? I said looking at her. Jay I was going to tell you, I was hoping she would show back up after a week. But when she didn't I just didn't...what happened to no secrets Ti? I said getting out of the car and going into the house. I promise you baby I was gonna tell you she was missing.

Naw Ti that's not what I am talking about now, I am talking about this I said handing her the magazine. It was a magazine with her and Mack 10 on the cover, "Hip hops new power couple". She looked at the magazine and then back at me. She took a step toward me Ba...Don't even, just tell me how long it's been going on I said folding my arms. She didn't say anything. You gonna answer me? Jay I am so sorry it just happened. That's not what I asked you. I asked how long? 6 months, we met at the video shoot. I sat on the couch shaking my head. So you mean to tell me that you were with him before Li left? Yeah I was, it was nothing big just kicking it you know then it turned into something more. Did Li know about it? She looked away! She knew didn't she? Yeah she.

You love him? Jay I ...just answer the damn question it's not that hard. Yeah I do, but I love you too. I looked at her, you love me! How the fuck you love me and you cheating on me? Don't answer that, I wish you two the best of luck. You can leave the key on the table when you leave I said going to my room.

Jay, baby come on don't do this. Don't do what Ti? I said coming back down the stairs. I am setting you free to be with him so go, don't let me hold you back. Cause that's all I was doing was holding yall back from doing what yall really wanted to do. Please Jay she said grabbing me and hugging me. Ti I can't share you like that, it was one thing with Li and Ro. I am not going to compete with a dude. I love you Jay, please don't do this. I love you so much Ti, like words can't even express... but I can't...she cut me off with a kiss. She picked me up walking back over to the couch. We were both crying. Stop Ti, don't draw this out. It's no hard feelings okay. We knew this would happen one day, what we had was good while it lasted. Now go I said unwrapping her arms from around me. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. You will always be special to me. She said kissing my cheek and leaving the key on the table as she walked out. All three of them were gone just like that my world shattered into pieces.
Y'all don't kill me, but I had to do it. All good things gotta come to an end sometime. Wow TI cheated too? Is Jay the only innocent one in the equation? Will she be okay once they are all gone?

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