7. Towards the Tree on that Hill

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One year had passed by since Eren, Mikasa and Grisha started a new life at Shiganshina.

With their efforts as doctors, Eren and Grisha earned good names at Shiganshina.

After 4 months, they opened their own clinic at Shiganshina which became well known in a few weeks.

With time, Eren and Mikasa grew closer to eachother more than they were before.


Currently, the 20 years old Eren and Mikasa, along with Grisha were working at the clinic, treating patients.

After working whole day, Eren sat down on a chair, a bit exhausted, with Mikasa standing beside him, holding a glass of water for him.

"Eren, here." Mikasa said and brought the glass closer to his lips.

Eren smiled and bit and held the glass before taking a sip.

That's when Grisha approached them.

Eren and Mikasa looked at him as he stopped before them.

Grisha smiled. "Eren. Mikas. Why don't you two take a break and go somewhere? I'll manage the rest of the work."

"Are you sure, Dr. Yeager?" Mikasa asked, a bit unsure.

"Ofcourse." Grisha said, still smiling. "You lovers need some couple time too. Don't you?" He chuckled a bit.

Eren and Mikasa blushed a bit and shared a look.

Eren puts the glass cup on a table "Ok, Dr. Yeager." He stood up and smiled. "Thank you."

Grisha just nodded.

"Let's go, Mika." Eren said, looking at Mikasa, smiling.

Mikasa smiled and nodded.

Then, both of them left the room and soon, the clinic.

Once they left the clinic, Eren and Mikasa stopped in their track and looked at eachother.

"So, where should we go now?" Eren said and looked up at the evening sky. "Sun is about to set." He looked at Mikasa.

"Um..." Mikasa said and smiled as she remembered something. "How about we go towards the tree on that hill?"

Eren smiled. "The tree under which I used to take a nap in our younger days?"

"Yes." Mikasa said.

"That's a good idea." Eren said. "Let's go."

Then, the both of them headed towards the gate of Wall Maria in silence.

The atmosphere was peaceful.

Children kept running around the neighborhood, happily while the others want on with their day.

As Eren and Mikasa got nearer to the gate, they spotted a drunk Hannes, who was sitting on a crate, drinking, near the Wall Maria gate.

Eren and Mikasa smiled a bit as they stopped before Hannes.

Hannes stood up from the crate he was sitting as he spotted the couple. "Oh, Dr. Kruger. Ms. Grice." He slowly approaches him. "Where are ya goin'?"

"We are just on a walk, Hannes-san." Eren said, still smiling.

"I see." Hannes said.

"You're drinking again, Hannes-san?" Mikasa said.

"Oh? Why don't you two join us?" Hannes teased.

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