After lunch, Sophie and Elizabeth return to their dormitory to collect Athena's cage and owl care supplies. They haven't seen Athena since she flew out of their window earlier that day, and Sophie hopes she found her way to the owlery. Otherwise, she'll have to admit to Draco that she lost his owl. Following their map to the west side of Hogwarts castle, they climb up to the fifth floor, where they find a simple wooden door leading outside.
"These seem dangerous," Elizabeth mutters as they ascend the stairs spiralling around the entire West Tower.
As they reach the top, the door into the owlery bursts open and Tobias Broadmoor storms out, his brows furrowed in anger. Upon seeing Sophie, his lips snarl in disgust.
"The mudblood made a friend; what a surprise!"
"Leave us alone, Tobias." Elizabeth tries to glare at the older boy but barely manages a frown.
"Don't bother, Elizabeth. Let's go." Sophie takes her friend's hand, trying to push past Tobias Broadmoor to continue into the owlery.
However, when they get close enough, Tobias grabs hold of her forearm and squeezes tight to keep her still.
"Tell Gaius," he spits his brother's name. "To write to mother and explain what he's done."
Sophie tries to pull free, but his grip is too firm. "Isn't it sad that your own brother had to beg the Sorting Hat to be placed in Ravenclaw just to get away from you," she snaps, staring pointedly into Tobias' eyes.
As her words register in the older boy's head, his grip on Sophie loosens. Using her shoulder, Sophie barges into him and pulls her arm free. Tobias stumbles back into the fragile handrail but manages to steady himself. He glances down to the ground below before standing tall and straightening his robes.
"You'll regret that," he calmly informs them.
"I'm sure Professor Malfoy would love to see what you've done to Sophie's arm," Elizabeth mentions, concerned eyes scanning the hand imprint around Sophie's tiny arm.
Tobias' eye twitches. "You wouldn't dare. I can make your next three years here a misery."
"We have friends in high places," Elizabeth threatens.
Tobias scoffs, "Whatever." Although, a few steps later, it dawns on him. He turns back to face Elizabeth Montgomery, the daughter of a high-level Minister of Magic.
"Didn't Gaius mention his brother wished to work within the Ministry after graduation?" Elizabeth asks.
Smiling gleefully, Sophie joins in. "Yes, he did mention that."
Anger sparks in Tobias' eyes at the taunting, but he knows there's nothing he can do now these first-year students have the upper hand.
"I'm sure one word to my mother about his Hogwarts' behaviour would mean more than any recommendations from his professors," Elizabeth threatens.
"What do you want?" Tobias asks.
"Leave us alone," Elizabeth orders.
"That includes Gaius," Sophie adds.
"Fine." Tobias turns once more, leaving for good.
The two first-year girls squeal with excitement, jumping together.
"We did it, Sophie." Elizabeth cheers. "He won't bother us any more."
"You are so cool." Sophie hugs her best friend. "Did Gaius actually tell you that about his brother?"
Elizabeth laughs, "No, but their father works in the Department of Transportation, and it is the only reputable employment opportunity for pure-bloods."
"Wow, what a guess!" Sophie absentmindedly rubs her arm where Tobias had grabbed her.
"Does it hurt?" Elizabeth asks, lifting her friend's arm gently to inspect the damage. "I think it might bruise."
"I'll be fine." Sophie shrugs, pulling her arm free. "We're not actually going to tell Draco. I don't want them worrying when we're dealt with the issue now."
Elizabeth still looks concerned, but Tobias has promised to leave them alone. If they told Professor Malfoy now, he might return on that promise and make their next three years miserable like he initially said. It's probably best to leave everything alone now.
"If he doesn't leave us alone, I'll tell him, okay?" Sophie promises.
"Okay," Elizabeth agrees, feeling better.
Walking into the owlery, the two girls are stunned into silence. The circular room stretches high, another four floors probably, with alcoves carved into the bricks for all the owls. Then on the landing are rows upon rows of perches for the owls who want a nap. Sophie steps down the short ladder onto the landing but jumps back when she hears a crunch beneath her foot.
"Ew!" Elizabeth complains upon seeing the bones of rodents that have been regurgitated littering the floor.
"They have to eat," Sophie reminds her, continuing further into the owlery. "Athena?" Sophie calls out, then clicks her tongue so the owl can use the sound to find her in the unfamiliar room.
Athena soars around the room's circumference, turning her head as she listens for Sophie. Upon locating her, Athena lands perfectly on Sophie's shoulder and begins nuzzling against her cheek, forgiving her for forgetting Athena all last night.
"I'm sorry, Athena," Sophie apologises anyway. "I brought you your cage and some pellets, although I don't think you will need them."
Athena nibbles a few pellets from Sophie's hand then flies up to an alcove at the top of the tower, where she settles down for a nap.
"That must be her space, away from the others," Elizabeth mentions.
Sophie sits on a short wooden bench in the centre of the room, surprisingly free from hay, owl droppings and rodent skeletons.
"It still doesn't feel real that we're actually here, together," Sophie admits.
"I know," Elizabeth agrees, sitting beside her. "We've talked and dreamt about coming to Hogwarts and being Ravenclaws together for years, and now it's a reality."
"I can't wait for lessons on Monday," Sophie adds. "I love school, but I've never been this excited to go back. I can't believe you've never been to school before."
"It's not like I've never learnt anything before; my parents taught me how to read and write," Elizabeth defends herself."
"School is not just about literacy."
"I know, you explained it all in a letter once, but it was confusing. I know how to do mathematics. I know a little history and some French from my cousins. You pick these things up; we don't have to go to school to learn them. Although, I think I would have liked that," Elizabeth admits.
"Learning was the best part; the other children were the worst. Although, you probably would have liked the social parts of the school," Sophie chuckles.
"Probably," Elizabeth agrees, then gasps. "We have that Ravenclaw party tonight; you'll have to help me choose what to wear. First impressions really count."
Sophie rolls her eyes but agrees to judge Elizabeth's fashion show

TMD: Sophie's Hogwarts Years
FanfictionThis story is a companion piece for The Marriage Decree. If you have not read that fanfiction, I would not recommend reading this, as it will make very little sense. Follow Sophie Adair through Hogwarts as she reluctantly makes new friends, hides ol...