Losing Control

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Tango groaned, and opened his eyes slowly. It was dark out, and he didn't know where he was.

How did I get here?

He thought back, going through what he could remember. He was with Etho and Xisuma... he had caught the Watcher. He had been about to kill it...

Then what?

He tried to sit up and look about, but immediately sharp pain exploded from his chest. He winced and laid down, trying to breathe shallowly. The pain wasn't going away.

His memories rushed back all at once. The feeling of someone behind him. A blade protruding from his chest. And...

And the Watcher warned me...

He needed to tell them. He needed to let everyone know.

That voice, that familiar voice...

He had to find Grian.

Tango tried to sit up again, but fiery pain shot through his chest once again, and he cried out in agony. He looked down, and his midsection was wrapped in neat white bandages.

I suppose getting stabbed is not an easy recovery...

He let the pain abate for a moment, and then the sound of soft conversation met his ears.

"Haven't seen you in a while, G. It's been almost a week..."

The voices faded out again. Tango shifted a bit and propped himself against the wall, trying to hear more.

"... and X says he's pretty hurt, but he's recovering much better than we thought he would."

"Can we come in and see him?"

"Sure, he's right around here."

The crunch of footsteps sounded, and three hermits entered the room. First was Bdubs, who beamed from ear to ear once he saw that Tango was conscious. Tango smiled lightly as Bdubs approached, watching the short little man make his way over. Second came False, peering at him curiously. She had a new shirt on, similar to her old one, but it bore a small purple eye design on the front, and a feather pinned to the collar reflected the moonlight beautifully.

Lastly, red-clad and feathered, was Grian. Tango jolted upright in his bed, causing him pain, but he ignored it.

"You! Grian, what are you?"

Grian took a step back, his eyes widening in fear. Bdubs looked over at him curiously.


"You're a danger. A menace!" He reached into his inventory for his sword, but it was nowhere to be found. He stared straight at Bdubs. In the corner of his vision, he could see False reaching for her weapon also.

Is she one of them too?

He dropped his voice to nearly a whisper.

"Bdubs, give me your sword."

"Tango what's wrong? It's just Grian. Besides, you should be resting."

He reached out and gently tried to push Tango back into a lying position.

Tango pushed back, trying to stand up. The throb of his wound became over powering, and his vision blurred for a moment. False and Bdubs rushed forward to catch him, and laid him back on the bed.

He had a headache now, and he was starting to fall unconscious again. As he struggled to keep his eyes open, he could just barely see Grian approaching him, leaning over him. As his eyes slowly closed against his will, he heard one last whisper.

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