Chapter 3

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Original Author: ひのはら (Hinohara)
Date Submitted to Kakuyomu:

The highly popular model that can often be seen on digital billboards around town and in fashion magazines is currently in Saku's living room.

Looking at just her long and silky hair is enough to tell that she's far from the average person.

Her thin and slender bare arms left exposed by her camisole have a healthy amount of muscle in them.

She must be doing some kind of training to maintain her figure.

Unlike Saku, who's always drawing and staying indoors, Luna's complexion and skin look healthy and pretty.

Captivated by her beauty, Saku just stood there before Luna calls out to her while chewing her snacks.

"What's your name?"
"Nanase Saku."
"Saku, huh? Starting today, I'm going to be living here."

Unsure of what she means, Saku's mouth hangs open.

However, Luna doesn't seem to be lying at all.

Thinking back, the most likely explanation for how Luna got in is that she got a key from the dorm supervisor while Saku was away.

"What do you mean...?"
"The students in the performing arts program each get a suite to themselves. However, some corners were cut during construction and mine has a major water leak."

Saku didn't know too much about the details since it all happened before she enrolled, but the school building and dormitories for the performing arts program were only built after the two high schools decided to merge last year.

Since getting it done quickly was the top priority, it's not too surprising for there to be issues with the construction.

"But there were no more empty suites left. Since yours has an extra room, the school is letting me live here until they fix my place."
"How long is it going to take before it gets fixed...?"
"No clue. More than a month, I'd imagine."

Saku's carefree and comfortable life of living alone.

It suddenly came to an end without any warning.

"I don't have much luggage."

Luna points her finger, smeared with the dried seaweed she was snacking on, at the suitcase placed in the corner of the room.

The dorms are fully furnished, so students could pack light.

Students who didn't have much luggage didn't even need to make any arrangements to send their stuff to the dorms separately.

"Well, I'll also be working so you won't see me around much. You can continue living the same way as you always have."
"I see... ah, I've been using the extra room to keep some stuff. I'll go clear it out right away."
"Do you draw?"
"You looked inside?"

Luna nods at Saku's question.

Oil paints, canvases, and easels are littered across the room. Even those not too knowledgeable about the subject can understand what they're used for.

"I was surprised at how good the drawings looked. Like they were from an artist. This one, especially."

What Luna holds in her hands now is one of Saku's past drawings.

To be more precise, it's more like a sketch that Saku drew on loose-leaf paper in the middle of class.

It came out surprisingly well, so Saku decided to keep it for her collection but she never expected that she would be unfortunate enough for someone to discover it.

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