Oh so its Part 4 well welcome to part 4

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Serendipity's POV

After English I rush to my Algerbra 2 class, I guess today we are learning about Trigonometry fun right? I don't think so either I just want to get the hell out of that classroom. When I walk into the Algerbra classroom I can't help but think about his eyes. They may be the most outspoken part of him but those blue and green orbs are the only thing that I can think about. I'm pretty sure that if he knew how I felt he would be horrified. His beautiful eyes stained my mind all hour. Sadly enough I learned absolutely nothing because I couldn't get him out of my mind. I kept thinking about how his eyes had a touch of guilt that made me wonder 'Why?' When Algerbra 2 was done I went to search for Grace of course it being lunch and her being an endless pit ready for food anytime. I just assumed she would be sitting in our spot outside, underneath an old Oak tree that had been growing there through generations of Cascade High Graduates. Due to it raining though she was sitting at a round table in the corner of the lunch room next to a muscular lump of girl talk killer and that muscular lump was looking at me with the same guilty eyes.

'Stupid rain' I thought to myself as I continued to walk. How the weather switched from this mornings bright sunny morning to a waterfall of rain lord only knows.

"Weird" I said as I got close to my table. Quickly I change my confused looking face to a believable fake smile just so I don't have to explain because they would most likely think I'm crazy.

"What's so weird?" I heard and I looked at the creator of the voice in horror.

"You heard me?" I said to Levi as I sat down on the other side of Grace knowing that she'll hide me from him.

"Well you didn't exactly say it quietly" Grace my safe haven said from next to me.

"Well I'm sorry I didn't mean to speak my mind." I announced as I got back up and began to walk away. I'm not actually sure why I am walking away I just know that the idea of the two of them agreeing and getting along makes me enraged.

"Sere where are you going?" Grace asks confused.

" Somewhere I can speak my mind without you guys questioning it!" I yelled just a little to loudly because everyone was staring at me. Behind me Grace got up from the table and strides up to me. Quickly she grabbed me and stopped me from going any further as we got just out of the doorway. She turned me towards her so she was looking me right in the eyes or would be if I wasn't trying to do everything in my power to look away from her.

"Serendipity Turnbower what is going on with you today you seem so on edge." she asked knowing that she could get an answer.

"Nothing is wrong with me what is wrong with you?" I asked while poking her in the chest region in an accusing way. Of course her being my best friend since I was in Diapers she saw right through my facade.

"Sere don't you dare lie to me!" she announced while I began to walk away from her towards my next class.

"Okay fine it's him." I said the last word softly in hopes that she would not hear.

"What?" she asked needing clarity. Suddenly I stopped and turned around towards her not realizing that we had finally gotten to my 6th hour art class.

"It is him he has been on my mind all day ever since I saw him I can't get those stupid eyes out of my head. That smile ,oh that smile, has been indented into my mind since first hour. It's like I need him with me now that I have met him." I say in a rant.

"No way..." she said in awe.

"Yes way I have been trying to get him out I've tried everything but it doesn't work." I began as I went and sat down in a huff while I throw my arms up in defeat.

"So I have something to tell you that you might not like but I guess that if I don't tell you now you will find out and be mad anyway." she said while looking at me with a pained expression.

"Whoa Grace I could never be mad at you" I said as she sat down next to me in her seat.

"Well I was in my 4th hour and well um Brentaskedmeoutandisaidyes." she said in a haste.

"Okay so here we speak English not nervous best friend." I get out in between laughing.

"Okay I'll just say it Brent asked me out and I said...yes..." The last part sobered me up and I stopped my laughing. She knew that I liked him and that I had liked him since we were five so I don't even think that could be just a passing crush. As said by my mother.

"He what and you what?" I said not because I didn't understand but because I wanted to make sure this wasn't a nightmare.

"Sere ple-" she began.

¨Don't you dare call me that you have no right anymore.¨ I yell at her maybe a little to loudly because people begin to look into the classroom door.

¨Bu-¨ she began as someone walked into the classroom.

¨Hey guys!¨ Levi said as he took a seat near us in the front of the classroom oblivious to the tension that was slowly building between Grace and me.

¨Levi I hate to do this but we kind of are in the middle of something.¨ I said as I give him the fakest smile of my life.

¨Oh uhm I'm sorry I'll just be quiet.¨ he says while pulling out a book.

¨That's a great book lord of the flies is my favorite.¨ I say getting off task and he just ignores me. Part of me is annoyed by that because something deep inside me wants to tell him everything and to just confide in him. The other part want to hit my head on the desk in front of me because of my lack of filter.

¨Anyway Sere you have to listen okay I am so sorry but It was and offer I couldn't refuse I mean come on star football player? Even you liked Bret!¨ She says the last part and instantly regrets it.

¨Wait Bret?¨ said a voice that was supposed to be shushed. ¨Sere you liked Bret?¨ Levi says as his fists balls and he looks like I just stabbed him in the heart quickly he leaves the room in a fit of anger.

¨Wait Levi... I did like him...¨ I said weakly as he disappeared.

¨God damn it!¨ I yelled again a little to loudly because it again made people stop and look into the room one boy even walked in a little bit.

¨WHAT what do you want!¨ I yelled at the poor boy.

¨This is my classroom I mean isn't this advanced painting with Mrs. Tate?¨ he said and I felt so bad.

¨Ugh yeah I'm sorry...¨

¨Sere please listen...¨ Grace said giving me a pleading look that normally would make people give in but I already knew her tricks.

¨No Grace I'm done with you have fun staying home during spring break!¨I yelled as I took my stuff and moved as far away as I could from her.

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