chapter 15

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Han followed the others as they gathered on the playground to wait.
I.N sat in the old swing and started swinging contently.
Hyunjin still sat below the big tree, holding his phone in his hand and his head in the other.

Changbin dropped the gym bag next to Minho's feet in the dark sand of the playground. He looked around to make sure the others, especially Han, were far away enough to not hear what he was about to say.

"Minho. Why is he with us?"

"It's fun."

"He's a cop."

"Exactly. Perfectly entertaining."


Changbin was about to say more, but he cut himself off as he saw a dark figure approaching from the farthest corner of the playground.

Han's reflexes told him to pull out a gun from his belt, but nothing was there. The feeling of defenselessness was starting to really bother him.

He watched as the others gathered around Minho and feeling stupid standing alone he decided to do the same.

The figure kept walking towards them, a hood over his head and his hands in his pockets.

"Who the fuck are you?" He asked reaching them.
"Where's my girl?"

"Your girl? I don't know. Who's this girl you're talking about?" Minho replied.

"Her name is... Uh..."
The guy checked his phone.

Minho glanced at I.N.
"Yoona? That's the best you could come up with?"

I.N shrugged.

"What are you talking about?" The man raised his voice.
"You know her?"

Minho smiled as I.N took out his phone, showing the guy a dating app conversation.

The messages sent by "Yoona" were all in blue.

"What the fuck?" The guy exclaimed.

I.N bowed slightly and then smiled;
"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Yoona."

The man took a few steps back anxiously.
"Hey man, I'm not looking for any trouble-"

"What's wrong? Don't you want to take me to your place and get me drunk like all those other girls? Don't you want to fuck me while I'm unconscious?"

"I don't know what you're talking about-"

Changbin sucked on his front teeth.
"Piece of shit. They always deny it."

Han watched and listened in horror as it slowly became clear to him why they were here.
It was another gig.

Not many seconds had passed after his realization and he was already a wreck.
This wasn't something he wanted to witness. What if he would later be sentenced guilty for taking part in murder because he wasn't doing anything to stop them?
He was a detective after all, his work was supposed to prevent these cases. How embarrassing to just stand there as another life gets taken when your job is to stop it.

But what could he do? It was guaranteed these murderers would go after Han's team next.

The man was now surrounded by them, Hyunjin standing behind him blocking his way out. He panicked, and funny enough, his first thought was to hit the nearest person in the face.
Hyunjin held his bleeding nose in surprise.

To Han's surprise it was Changbin who took action and shoved the guy with strength.

"Not looking for trouble, huh?"
Changbin mocked him.

To Han Changbin seemed like the most calm and reserved member of the little group, helping Han and all. But it was without doubt that all those muscles on him could do some serious damage.

As Changbin enthusiastically started beating the guy up, Minho observed his boys with his arms crossed over his chest, a content look on his face.

Han's world was upside down.

Minho noticed him staring, and obviously found it funny. He walked over to Han who was standing a few steps farther away from the violent scene and put his arm around his shoulder.

"What do you think, detective?"


"Why what?"

"Why do this?"

"We enjoy it. It gives us life."
Minho chuckled at his own words.
"The death of others gives us life. And I mean, just look at Changbin. He's having the time of his life."

Minho grabbed Han's chin and lifted it up.
Han looked at Changbin who was now kicking the curled up man in the sand.

"Yeah. But as you might know, we don't kill just anyone. We kill criminals. Pedos, rapists... Like this guy here.
So if you really think about it, you and me, we're not so different.
We both hunt down and punish bad people, right?"

Han's mouth distorted into a disgusted frown, and he shook Minho's arm off of his shoulder.

"We are not the same. You're crazy."

"We are. You'll see."

Minho placed his hand on Han's lower back and pushed him forward. His hand was strong and Han wanted to wrench it off of his body, but he shoved away the urge and moved forward.

"You'll want to see this." Minho whispered in his ear, letting go of him when they reached the others.
A small shiver passed through Han's body.

Hyunjin and I.N were currently kicking sand around, laughing as the man whined in pain while the little pieces of sand got into his open wounds.

Minho's eyes glowed rather uncanny, and his intense presence made the two stop in their tracks.

He'd pulled out his knife, and a yellow light reflected from it grabbing Han's eye.

"Get up." Minho said to the guy laying on the ground, his voice filled with dominance.

The man took his time, but finally leveled his tear stained face with Minho's. His hood had falled off his head and revealed a short, blonde buzz cut sticky with blood.

"Don't kill me, please."

The desperate plead made Minho's eyes roll back and he he lifted his knife.

Han saw his intentions and needed to do something. He took a step away from where him, Changbin, I.N and Hyunjin stood watching and reached towards Minho, intending to stop him.

Then he felt a strong hand on his shoulder.

"Don't." Changbin shook his head, looking at Han in the eyes.

Han turned to look back at Minho, who had shoved his knife in the guy's stomach.

Han's eyes widened.

Minho turned around to face the others, and his expression was deranged. A wide smile spread from ear to ear, his pupils dilated.

Han stood in front of him and watched in horror as he moved behind the bleeding and crying victim, now almost hugging him from the back.

Then he lifted his knife to the guys throat.

An intense euphoria hit Minho as he let the blade slide over the smooth skin on the throat.
Warm and pure crimson blood bursted out of the cut and spread all over the victims body as he gasped for air.

Han covered his mouth with his hand. He couldn't believe what was happening right in front of his eyes.

The blood pooled on the ground, slowly soaking into the sand and turning it into an even darker color.

Minho let the limp body drop on the ground.


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