Sempai {Sabaku no Gaara}

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The unimaginable pain was here, at his doorstep; she kept knocking, she kept asking, but he didn't know if he could. "Gaara? Would you just open the door? We can talk about this."

"No." The single word uttered from his chapped lips made the male wonder if he should just go along with it? As it was her turn...

"Gaara," her pause made the redhead eye the door, as he was sure she had her head pressed against it, again, trying to hear him breathing, as she told him once. "You promised." The words she spoke hit him hard, he had promised, but he wanted to take it back. Making a small tsk sound, Gaara unlocking the door to his small apartment and found a beaming woman on the other side, her hands holding a small bag in which he dreaded to open. "For you!" She practically sang out before she walked in and he closed the door behind her, and for once, was actually hoping that Naruto would have one of his bad timing moments and pop up; but as the door finally clicked shut, he knew that would not be the case.

Seeing the sly grin from his lover, the redhead simply held the lavender bag and stood in place. "Why can't you choose something else?" His voice almost cracked, but he refused to break and give in.

"Because, it's my turn to pick, and I picked this," she paused as he eyed her shorter form coming closer to him; he knew that stupid grin she wore when she was going to get her way because she knew he wanted something, it was all over her face. "You know what? You don't have to do it, I won't make you. But," she giggled as Gaara narrowed his foamy colored eyes. "I won't do that thing you like so much." Arousal rose up in him as he thought of last time 'that thing' was done. Clutching the bag, Gaara bit his lip and made a decision.

Walking out of the bathroom, the short green skirt flowed unevenly against his thighs, making him cold, but when seeing the look she gave him, Gaara knew it had to be done. "Please..." He sighed and lifted his hand to adjust the tie on his uniform shirt away from his neck. "Please notice me, Sempai." The monotone was the best he had, but it was enough, for she tugged him over and threw him on the bed, about to do wonders to him under his skirt.


Requested by: KraziiKawaiiXD

Character/Pairing: Gaara x Female! Reader [Modern]

Genre: slight! Smut _ comedy

_ Hope you like it~!

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