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- Welcome, my loves -

   Lily Walker - 16- 5'2- brown hair - green eyes

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   Lily Walker
- 16
- 5'2
- brown hair
- green eyes

    Matthew Greys - 17- 6'5 - brown hair- brown eyes

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    Matthew Greys
- 17
- 6'5
- brown hair
- brown eyes

    Matthew Greys - 17- 6'5 - brown hair- brown eyes

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Olivia Moore
- 16
- 5'4
- black hair
- brown eyes

   Elijah Walker - 17 - 6'1 - brown hair - green eyes

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Elijah Walker
- 17
- 6'1
- brown hair
- green eyes


i just added the prologue, thinking nothing of it, BUT this is who i in-vision when writing the story, but feel free to imagine someone else if you'd like.

but anyways, i really hope you enjoy the story. it is in fact very sloppy, as it being my first book, but it'll get better eventually.


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