Snapchat Memories - Pezzy × Reader

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They/Them Pronouns

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They/Them Pronouns


Pezzy's POV

I hear crashing begin to echo throughout the house from downstairs, alongside a scream. It alerted me, causing my body to force itself out of my office and down the stairs into the kitchen - the origin of the commotion. As I turn into the door frame, a person stood there quietly, head in their hands as they attempt to deeply breathe. Their body was fully tensed up, and I could almost see the stress radiating from their body.

"What's happened?" I speak out, breaking their uncomfortable silence. Their face swiftly appears, growing embarrassed as they lean down and shuffle unknown items around.

"It's nothing, absolutely nothing."

"Are you sure?"

I slowly approach them, glancing at the floor as I do. Two plates and a bowl was smashed, spread across the hardwood flooring. Thankfully, their feet were covered with a pair of pure white rabbit slippers, so no injuries on them. A moist towel was resting on the floor in front of their body, previously in their hands as they were putting the clean cutlery and tableware away. Shyly glancing at me behind their hands, I hold my hand out to them with a soft smile. They hesitate, but clutch onto my palm eventually, allowing me to guide them away from the mess, and out of the room.

"We're going out, I wanted to take you somewhere," I begin, stepping in front of the stairs, "Wrap up warm, we might be out for a while." They give a calm nod in response, heading upstairs to hunt for socks. While I wait, I return to the kitchen, clutching onto the broom leaning against the wall and brushing the broken ceramic into a pile. I scoop it up, carefully cuddling it to my chest as I approach the bin, letting it pour into the bag. As the lid closes, they appear in the doorway, ready to leave. I smile, stepping closer to them, pulling the keys out of my pocket. They stick behind me as I unlock the door, they step in front of me when I let them pass, and they stand by me while I open the car door for them to enter.

The drive was slow, the radio blurting out some pop music which I did not recognise. I grin to my passenger every time I turn towards them, even if it was not to speak.

"Where are we going?"

"One of those drive-in movies. I saw it and thought you'd be interested! It's your favourite film too," I speak joyfully, resting their hand in mine as we were stopped at the last set of traffic lights until we reached our destination.

"The Lorax?" their voice chirps out, the desolate mood lifting entirely.

"Mmmmhm, I knew that would cheer you up," I lightly chuckle, replacing my hand on the gear stick as the car is illuminated with a fluorescent green. It slowly fades as I drive off straight ahead, before turning left into what appeared to be a car parking area. Thankfully, admission was free, so I pulled into a spot and shut the engine off.

Returning my focus to them, I felt their cold mood steadily diminishing, fingers tapping on their knees with joy. I chuckle lightly, them not realising as their eyes were glued to the screen in front of us, a couple meters away. Their hoodie hung loosely from their shoulders, and after close inspection, I figure out that it was mine. I dismiss this, content with them finding comfort in my clothing.


Returning to reality, I notice they had their phone pointing at me. A photo had just been taken of me while I was staring into space. They start giggling.

"Wha- what did you do?"

"Nothiiiiiing," their giggling increases in volume.

"Lemme see-" I turn their phone to me, the screen lights my face up. A photo of me, but with a broccoli filter switched on, is illuminated from the device, my lips parted slightly. "You sneaky bitch"

"It's your fault you were staring into spaceeee. Shhh, the movie is starting," and with that, their focus returned to the screen.

I start watching the beginning of The Lorax with them, a film I watch often enough to learn the lyrics if I had tried, and I pull out a bag of popcorn from my backpack, which I grabbed from the backseats. As soon as I open the packet, pulling a handful out of the bag, they swiftly dive their hand inside too, getting their own amount with eyes fixated to the screen.

I decide this is the perfect time to strike, carefully sliding my own phone out of my hoodie pocket, I open up Snapchat, trying my hardest to cover the yellow glow radiating from the display. Thankfully, they do not notice, allowing me to select a filter and snap a photo. I choose the Big Mouth one, it flicking onto their face perfectly.


"Hey!" they exclaim, clutching my phone to check the image, "Mmm, I guess that's deserved."

"You still look adorable, though." They cover their face with their hands in response.

"Shut uuuuupp."

"C'mere," I say, pulling them in and switching to a sensible filter. A face softener, with little red moons on the cheeks, "This one will be nice, I promise." Their hands are moved from their face, adjusting it to appear on the camera.


More photos and videos were taken throughout the night, pausing several times to watch the movie, which was the only light source supplied to us.

"How many pieces of popcorn can you fit?" They laugh, the camera pointed directly at me. I grab a large handful, dropping pieces in my mouth one by one, allowing time for them to count each one. I reach 65, before one hits the back of my throat, causing me to gag. I pull a tissue out my pocket and they fall out of my mouth. "Ewwww," they chuckle, patting my back slightly, "That's being sent to the group-"

"Droid will pick on me so badly for that one," I cackle loudly while closing the tissue up, and putting it to the side.

"Thank you for bringing me here," they mumble lightly, after calming down.

"Well, you were having a bad day, and I know what cheers you up." They lean onto my shoulder, watching the end of the film.

"Love ya, Pez."

"I love you too, Y/N."


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