Sonic groans as he sits up rubbing his head to ease the pain. "Owww geeze Tails really wasn't kidding about a drop zone." He vaguely noticed he was on something soft. 'huh what broke my fall?' he looked down and quickly got up. " HOLY SHERBERT! ARE YOU OKAY?!" The young hedgehog was panicking as he couldn't believe he landed on someone. "OH MAN DID I KILL HIM?!? PLEASE BE OKAY!! The poor sand hedgehog gave a muffled groan as he pulled his head from the ground spitting some sand from his mouth.
Before the small hedgehog can ask if he was okay again the sand covered hedgehog held his hand up and continue to spit out sand for a bit till finally he turned to look at hedgehog that came from the sky. "So sky hog care to tell me why you falling from the air-" he paused looking at the fuzzy hedgehog now that he doesn't have sand in his eyes he can clearly see the a small fuzzy blue version of himself who was also looking back with a surprise expression. In quick Sonic reaction both pointed at each other and shouted. "HEY YOU'RE ME!!!" they both laughed and the older of the two finally stood up. "So I'm going on a limb here and gonna say you're me from another universe? Wow the writer must have to think really hard for that original idea." Said the bandana wearing speedster
Just as he said that a coconut fell and hit his head yet there's was no palm trees nearby. The hedgehog growled and glared at the sky as if there was someone there. The Fuzzy Sonic raised a eyebrow and also looked at the sky yet sees nothing. "Soooo what are we looking at? Because I kinda was supposed to meet another version of myself but he was....well not as tall..." Now that the surprise wear off and he was looking at the bandage cover hedgehog who was like much taller than him! Would he grow this tall when he's older?! That's pretty cool he wonders what kind of hero this Sonic is. He must super tough and always fighting Eggman evil robots! He assumed that this universe has a Eggman since mini him spoke of his and he figured the crazy Doctor is a constant in every universe that has a Sonic.
"Yeah you'll be surprised on how different some Sonic's are. Anyway little fuzzy dude what brings ya here?" The bandana speedster asked. The fuzzy Sonic laughs as he explained how he ended up here. "Wow that's some story sky hog reminds me of some of my adventures. Bet my Tails would love to hear about all that." At the mention of Tails the fuzzy hedgehog froze and panicked again. "Oh man I need to let Tails know I'm okay I bet he's freaking out!" He turned to his watch seeing that a little light was flashing indicating that he has a message. He pressed the button and a little screen showing Tails on it. "Hey bro-" he was cut off by the little fox. "SONIC ARE YOU OKAY!?!" Both Sonic's winces at the sudden shout. If there's one thing that both Sonic's can agree is that they hate seeing Tails upset.
After a quick recap and introducing bandana Sonic to Tails things pick up and the two hedgehog's start conversation picks back up. "Well sky hog if you like I can give you a tour of this island if ya want and I bet my friends would love to meet ya." With that he lead his fuzzy alternate self to his shack to meet the gang.
Wachowski's Parallel Universe Adventures!
FanfictionWhile Sonic (movie) is happy with his life he still feels the need for adventure and finds other versions of himself with many different lives! Through his adventures in the multiverse he will form bonds and face crazy adversaries. Let's join him in...