Chapter Four

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First day of the trip.

Cole's head was spinning with how they could make this work. He didn't think it would be difficult to act like he was in love with Allison, because he knew part of him still did. But to act like they were still in love when he knew it wasn't the case... it hurt more than words could ever describe. It was an ache in his chest for something that he desperately longed for, but he couldn't get back. Something that was his that he lost long ago.

Their flight was in a few hours, and since it was international, they had to be there hours before. And since their mother was involved, add three more hours onto that. They were getting there so early that Cole wasn't even sure they'd let them into the airport that early. But he wasn't gonna be the one to tell Lorena that.

Cole's back ached a bit from another night on the couch. It had been a few days since he and Allison had decided to essentially fake date for his sister's wedding. Well, he supposed it was faking marriage. But then again, they weren't even officially divorced yet. He wasn't sure what this qualified as, but he knew they were faking something.

They had barely spoken at all in the last few days. He still hadn't touched the journal that their therapist had given them both. He had wondered if Allison started yet and what she was saying. He wanted to know where she was at so badly with everything. They stopped talking at some point and just never started again. He missed talking to her more than anything.

The light reflected off something from the corner of his eye, making him pause. He stretched his hand out, eyes locked on his wedding band unsurely. It felt unfair to still wear it, sometimes. When they were home, Allison hardly even bothered to wear it. At first, she chalked it up to not wanting to get it wet or dirty. But then eventually, it found a new home in her jewelry box and hardly left. Feeling a wave of hurt rush over him, he slowly slid the ring off his finger.

Cole wiggled his fingers, testing to see how it felt. His brain screamed at him. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. He felt bare, like he was missing part of his body. It felt like he was suddenly missing a limb. His body ached for it, and he ran the tip of his finger along the spot where it sat just moments go.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

But he ignored his thoughts, shoving his ring into his pocket without a second thought.

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The drive to the airport was silent. It was clear that Allison was trying to wrap her head around everything as well. Cole wasn't sure either of them had realized just how difficult this would be on the both of them. The mere thought of it was taking a toll on them both. But most of all, Cole had no idea how he was going to fool his family. The Alvarez family knew each other like the back of their hands. If someone blinked wrong, everyone jumped. He had to act normal, but Cole was an awful liar. He never liked lying, but he had to or this whole thing would fall apart. He just wanted to give his sister a good wedding. Scarlett deserved that much. Cole knew that if she found out, she wouldn't rest until everything was right again. And he didn't think she could fix this.

The three of them walked into the airport where they were meant to meet everyone else. Cole heard his family before he saw them. Sam and Scarlett's voices were so loud that he was surprised that security wasn't with them when he finally spot them. Cole let out a laugh when he saw what was going on. Scarlett stood next to who Cole presumed to be Nate. He couldn't see who it was definitively though, because a poofy bag that likely held Scarlett's wedding dress was entirely covering his face. Sam was ranting about something to his sister that Cole couldn't quite make out yet. He saw Lila and Lorena as well, immersed in their own conversation.

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