Soaking in Reminiscence

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Chapter Song is Bloodstream by Stateless

Bella Pov:

While we were eating at the kitchen table. Billy rolled up in his wheelchair, "What have you kids been up to?"

Jacob choked down a piece of his sandwich, "We're just working on the rabbit and catching up. Bella's got this new boy toy, and she had to tell me all about it."

I glared at him from across the table. What kind of shit was he up to? Before, I could say anything Billy beat me to it, "Yeah Charlie was telling me you had a new boyfriend. Says he's not the best influence on ya."

I put my sandwich down and crossed my arms, "He's not all that bad once you get to know him. He's definitely a better choice than Edward. At least he doesn't try to micromanage my life."

I hope that Billy doesn't tell dad about everything. Billy sighed, "Now that I'm not so sure of considering what he is. Now I'm not judging your taste in men Bella, but couldn't you find someone more human."

I laughed, "What can I say? I like them cold. Emotionally and physically."

I heard Jacob snicker on the other side of the table. I plopped my head on my hand and sighed, "I don't get why everyone cares who I'm with anyway. It doesn't really matter."

Billy shook his head, "Bella we are just worried about you. After what happened when Edward left. Your dad is just taking precautions. Also, after what he told me if I were your dad I wouldn't want you around this guy either."

I started playing with the hem of my shirt, "What did dad say about him?"

He ran his hand over his forehead and sighed, "Charlie said he was a bad influence. Something about a delinquent who rides a motorcycle. Who's going to get you in trouble or worse killed. He also said he was probably the reason you thought it was okay to get into that fight with that girl. Lets not forget the fact that he thinks this guy is taking advantage of you because, of your breakup with Edward. I think there was also something about him being on drugs. There was a lot more. I've never heard Charlie rave about someone like that. He didn't like Edward but he could never come up with a reason why. So I didn't hear much from him on that one."

I huffed, "I know he cares, but sometimes I wonder if he thinks I'm still a kid. I can make my own decisions. Even if they turn out to be mistakes."

Billy patted my hand, "I know you think that, but Charlie is just doing what he thinks is best. You can't blame him for wanting to protect you, Bella."

I sighed and stood up from the table, "I get that it just sucks. I just want to be able to act my age for once."

I stand and start toward the door, "I'm going to go sit outside for a while. Please, can I just be alone?"

I looked over while I was closing the door and saw Jacobs' concerned face. Leaving was a good choice. Just because I have decided to no longer take peoples shit doesn't mean I need to be a bitch. Also, I wouldn't want to lose any shot I have at being able to call Jasper later. Oh man, I cant believe what my life is coming to. What the hell am I doing?

looking up I've realized that I've come to a tree. I sit by the base. Wrapping my flannel closer to my body. Then, I hear thunder in the distance and it begins to rain. Feeling the rain drops on my skin is soothing in a way. Like it's washing away all my wrong doings. All my sins. Maybe in some way it is? Who knows? I sigh and lean back, closing my eyes.

Why am I doing this? Sitting in the rain. Crying? When did I start crying? I miss Edward. In some fucked up part of my head I still love him. God I still love him so much! "UGGGGGG! WHAT A BASTARD!" I take in a breath that sounds more like a sob and whisper, "i hate him. i wish he were dead so i would never have to see his face again. then.... then.... maybe i wouldn't feel this way."

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