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I dismounted from Sivkra back on the ship. Miles smirked as I watched me. My walk was a little week. He was proud of himself, I could tell. He walked up, his hand resting on my shoulder. I felt his finger trace his bite mark.
"Mine," he spoke softly in almost a growl. He walked past me into the room where they had their meetings. I walked in not long after him. Smiling, and I watched Spider ducked underneath his arms. Miles smiled at him. Moving closer to Miles, he looks over to me slightly before back at the map.
"There is a pod of Tulkun here." The man points.
"Well then, let's go hunting." Miles states.
"You don't understand these things as scared to the water Navi we kill one here it's like starting a war." The human says.
"Good, we want to draw Jake out," Miles states.
"Miles," I glare at him.  "You can't. You said you'd listen to me."
"We need to do this." He states, looking at me.
"You don't! I shouldn't have forgiven you." I snarl, turning my back on him. I hear the door open. I turn seeing Spider.
"If you were his wife, does that mean you were my mom?" He asked.
"Yes, Spider," it seems weird to think all this time.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you, " Spider spoke.
"It's okay it's a lot to take in." I smile happy he's talking to me. Hearing the door, Miles was there. He looked in between me and Spider.
"May I interrupt?" He asks Spider, nods leaving.
"We are not going to kill the Tulkun. We are just going to tag it. They'll find it and remove the tag eventually. But it won't be killed." Miles speaks.
"You listened," I smile, wrapping my arms around him and kissing his cheek. " Thank you, Miles."
"What happens after?" he asks. "I am being sent to kill Jake. What happens after?" He sits me on the bed.
"We stay together. I don't want you to kill anyone, but I understand you have to." I take his hands. "We are one now as much as you make me mad sometimes. We have been bonded."
"Colonel," I hear his radio. "We are ready to send boats out."
"Okay," he answers.
"Promise me you're  not killing it." I stop him as he goes to leave.
"I promise we are not." He states I lean up, kissing him.
"Thank you, my Miles." I watch him walk out.
I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I guess this was my life now.   I soon fell asleep.

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